Samuel Gompers Papers

1. Ida Minerva Tarbell (1857-1944), a journalist and social reformer best known for her investigation of the Standard Oil Co., was associate editor of the American Magazine.

2. SG was referring to a meeting held at Tarbell's home in New York City on Jan. 29, 1910.

3. Tarbell, "A New Solidarity of Society," American Federationist 17 (Mar. 1910): 209-10.

4. At a mass meeting in New York City on Nov. 22, 1909, addressed by SG, shirtwaist and dress makers declared a general strike in the women's garment industry. No longer willing to work fifty-six hours a week or pay for the needles, thread, and sewing machines they used, some 11,000 women and 4,000 men were on strike within a few days. Led by International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union 25, the Women's Trade Union League, and the United Hebrew Trades, the strike gained public support, especially in the face of employer intimidation of the strikers and the arrest of hundreds of young women who marched on picket lines. John Mitchell and Marcus Marks of the National Civic Federation (NCF) brought representatives of labor and the Associated Waist and Dress Manufacturers together in December in an attempt to resolve the strike, but negotiations faltered over the issue of the union shop. In January 1910 the union began to settle with individual shops, reaching agreements with over three hundred of them on its own terms, including a fifty-two hour workweek, abolition of charges for supplies, and reinstatement of strikers without discrimination. It compromised with nineteen others, acquiescing in their rejection of union recognition. By Feb. 15, when the strike was officially ended, only about 1,000 workers in thirteen shops were still on strike.

5. Anne Morgan (d. 1952), the daughter of J. P. Morgan, was active in the NCF Woman's Welfare Department.

6. Elisabeth Marbury (1856-1933), a New York City author and social reformer, was a member of the NCF Woman's Welfare Department.

7. Eva McDonald Valesh was managing editor of the American Federationist from 1900 to 1909.

8. Gabrielle Mulliner, a New York City attorney.

9. Marbury's article, "We Are All Members of the One National Family," appeared in the March 1910 number of the American Federationist (17: 210). No articles by Morgan, Valesh, or Mulliner appeared in the American Federationist in 1910.

10. SG to Mulliner, Feb. 2, 1910, reel 141, vol. 153, pp. 12425, SG Letterbooks, DLC.

11. SG to Morgan, Feb. 3, 1910, reel 141, vol. 153, pp. 150-51, SG Letterbooks, DLC.

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