SG desk    
The SG signature Papers

Volume 11 Index M-Z

This index also includes references to substantive annotations in previous volumes that are not repeated here; for instance, the reference to the North Carolina State Federation of Labor annotation in volume 6 appears in this index as 6:48n; and the glossary entry for William B. Wilson in volume 10 appears in this index as 10:*.


M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)

McAdoo, William G., 9:299n, 238

McAnarney, Henry A., 274, 275n

McCann, John A., 526, 526-27n

McCarthy, Frank,* 146n; wire to, 145-46

McCarthy, James S., 376n; letter to, 374-76

McCarthy, Patrick H., 5:339n, 89-90, 92n, 313n

Macaulay, Thomas B. (Lord Macaulay), 563, 564n

McClellan, Heard S., 219, 220n

McCormick, Joseph M., 453, 454n

McCoy, Robert T., 284, 286n

McCracken, Eugene, 551n, 553

McCray v. U.S. , 513, 514n

McCullough, Theodore W., 7:422n, 83, 84n

McDonald, Duncan , 17n

MacDonald, James Ramsay, 10:446-47n, 28, 373n

McGeory, William J., 316, 317n

McGillicuddy, Daniel, 337n

McGrady, Edward F., 10:77n, 401, 465-66, 476n, 525

Machinists, International Association of,* 37n, 344; and black workers, 36-37, 37n, 148-49, 149n, 285; and Chinese workers, 149; and Duplex case, 406, 408n; and Japanese workers, 149; local 252 (Vallejo, Calif.), 149, 149n; local 261 (Mobile, Ala.), strike (1920-21), 486n; and Plumb Plan, 131n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n; representatives of, at AFL conventions, 82n, 87n, 319n, 475-76n, 480n; and steelworkers' organizing campaign, 28n, 85n, 362

MacKay, Florence Gompers (SG's granddaughter), 53, 54n, 57, 486, 487n

MacKay, Shirley, 487n; letter to, 486-87

MacKay, William H., 486, 487n

Mackie Fuel Co., George K., strike against (1921), 481n

McMenimen, Walter L., 348, 349n, 538, 539-40n

McNally, Gertrude M.,* 466, 467n

McNamara, Patrick J., 348, 349n

McNulty, Frank J.,* 88-89, 92n

Macrae, John, 522, 523n

MacSwiney, Terence, 357, 358n

McWade, Robert, 512n

Mahan, James B., 40n, 57, 58n

Mahon, William D.,* 19, 21n, 345, 404n, 488n, 532; and AFL affiliation of railroad brotherhoods, 78n, 308-9; elected AFL vice-president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n, 167; letter from, 197-98; letter to, 446-47; wire to, 78

Maintenance of Way Employes and Railway Shop Laborers, United Brotherhood of,* 60n; and black workers, 46n, 84n; jurisdiction of, 59-60, 60-61n, 105; strike (1920, threatened), 258-59n

Manion, Edward J.,* 460-61, 461n

Manley, Basil M., 18n, 468, 470-71, 471n

Manly, Thomas I., 547n; letter from, 546

Mann, James R., 276, 278n, 281

Manning, Henry Edward Cardinal, 6:340n, 32-33, 34n

Manning, John J.,* 401, 403n

Mannison, Edward, 122, 123n

Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association of the U.S. of America , National,* 435n

Markel, Herman, 355

Marshall, Richard C., Jr., 116, 117n

Mason, T. H., 84n

Massachusetts State Federation of Labor, 7:314n, 146n

Matewan ( W.Va. ) incident, 294-96, 296 -97n

Matthews, May, 89

Maurer, James H.,* 263, 265n

Mauretania (passenger liner), 111n, 460n

Meade, Claude, 36, 37n

Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America, Amalgamated,* 381, 381n, 453n; and black workers, 84n; local 188 ( Toronto ), 381, 381n; strike (1921-22), 453n, 567, 571n

Meatpacking arbitration, 10:280n, 84, 451, 453n

Merritt, Walter G., 9:285n, 408n

Mertens, Corneille,* 223, 224n

Metal Polishers' International Union,* 85, 262n; and black workers, 84n; local 21 ( Toronto ), 381, 381n

Metal trades unions: strike (1919, Toronto ), 72-73, 74n; strike (1919, Winnipeg ), 75n

Mexican workers, 285, 338-41, 341n; immigration into U.S. , 494-95, 495-96n; as strikebreakers, 495

Mexico , exploitation of, 312-13

Miller, Alfred E., 62, 63n

Miller, Charles, 564n

Miller, Fred, 391n

Miller, John A., 207n; letter from, 207; letter to, 215-16

Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, International Union of,* 28n, 85n, 219, 220n; and black workers, 84n

Mine Workers of America , Reorganized United, 482n

Mine Workers of America, United,* 28n, 85n, 296n; and black workers, 84n; convention, 1919-20 (Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio), 138, 138n, 192, 192n, 208-9, 268, 269n; District 5 (Western Pennsylvania), 121-23, 123n; District 11 (Indiana), convention, 1919 (Terre Haute), 268, 269n; District 14 (Kansas), 557; District 18, 75n; District 22 (Wyoming), 199, 199n; injunction against, 192n, 195, 196n, 197-201, 203-4, 206, 208-12, 213n, 220, 252-53, 336; organization of miners in West Virginia, 174; request for AFL financial support, 492-93, 493-94n; strike (1897), 4:345n, 567; strike (1900), 5:263n, 567, 571n; strike (1902), 6:13-14n, 567, 571n; strike (1915, Arkansas), 494n; strike (1919), 191-92, 192n, 194-95, 196n, 198-206, 208-12, 213n, 233, 252-53, 386, 566; strike (1921, Kansas), 481-82n, 558

Mingo County , W.Va. , tactics of coal operators in, 296n

Minimum wage, 18n, 387

Mississippi State Federation of Labor, 51, 52n

Mitch, William A., 267n; letter from, 267-69, letter to, 265-67; wire from, 265-66

Mitchell, Aronette, 23, 24n; letter from, 543; letter to, 547-48

Mitchell, Ethel, 24n, 562; letter to, 23-24

Mitchell, Henrietta, 3:79n; letters to, 23-24, 562

Mitchell, John,* 15, 18n; death of, 138n

Mitchell, Mildred, 23, 24n

Mitchell, Pauline Wiener, 23, 24n

Mitchell, Rose Gompers, 5:*, 24n

Mitchell, Samuel,* 23, 24n

Molders' Union of North America, International,* 28n, 85n, 153n, 362; and black workers, 84n, 284

Molle, Jessie M., 427-28, 432n

Montsec, 47, 49n

Mooney, Rena B. (Mrs. Tom Mooney), 535n; letter to, 541

Mooney, Thomas J.,* 7n, 113, 541; general strike on behalf of (1919, threatened), 6, 7n, 86, 87n, 94; letter from, 534-35

Mooney-Billings case, 9:517-18n, 7, 7n, 86, 87n, 534-35, 541

Moore, Charles, 321n

Moore Drop Forge Co., 507-8

"More," 14, 233

Morones Negrete, Luis N.,* 140n, 300, 302-3, 303n; letter to, 139-40

Morrin, Paul J.,* 151, 152n

Morris meatpacking company, strike against (1921-22), 571n

Morrison, Alice Boswell (Mrs. Frank Morrison), 7:482n, 460

Morrison, Cameron A., 510-11, 512n

Morrison, Frank,* 18n, 345, 407, 410, 430, 459-60, 476n, 565-66; and AFL National Non-Partisan Political Campaign, 272, 274; and AFL organizers, 502n, 517, 554; and Brackenridge murders, 123n; and Buck's Stove and Range Co. cases, 15, 18n; and Central Trades and Labor Council of Greater New York and Vicinity, meeting of, 354; and coal strike, 195, 198, 198n, 200-203, 211n, 213n; elected AFL secretary, 93n, 321, 321n, 482; and Hearst papers, attack by, 366-67; Hoover, meeting with, 387-88; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n; and International Federation of Trade Unions, conference on AFL affiliation with, 224n; and International Labor Conference (1919, Washington, D.C.), 110-11, 111n; and National Women's Trade Union League, 132, 135n; and One Big Union, 113n; and open shop campaign, AFL response to, 401; and Pan-American Federation of Labor conference, 140n; and People's Legislative Service, 468-71; and Plumb Plan, 130, 131n; and political prisoners, 449-50n; and railroad brotherhoods, 187, 241n, 447, 462; and railroads, ownership of, 473, 475; and southern textile organizing campaign, 525-26; and steelworkers' organizing campaign, 148, 360-64, 365n; and women workers, 18-19; and Zaranko, 325n; cable to, 52n; letters from, 112-13, 113n, 119-20; letters to, 42-46, 59-60, 72-74, 105-6, 323-24, 460-61, 484-85, 510-12, 556-58, 558n; wires from, 50-51, 78; wires to, 49, 112-13

Morrison, John,* 459, 460n

Morrison et al. v. Ingles et al., 280, 281n

Mosely, Edward A., 330, 332n

Moyer, Charles,* 220n, 365n; letter from, 218-19

Murray, John, 9:433n, 31n

Murray, Philip,* 123n; wire from, 121-23

Musicians, American Federation of, 9:*, 319n, 520, 520n; and black workers, 84n

Mussey, Henry R., 468, 472n


National Association of Burlesque Theatre Owners, 520n

National Association of Manufacturers, 5:15n, 287

National Board for Jurisdictional Awards in the Building Industry, 22-23n, 387, 544-45, 545n

National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association, 288, 289n

National Brotherhood Workers of America , 188-89, 189n

National Civic Federation, 5:218n; annual meeting, 1921 ( New York City ), 419n; annual meeting, 1922 ( New York City ), 562; Industrial Committee meeting, 1921 ( New York City ), 529, 530n

National Committee for Organizing Iron and Steel Workers: and black workers, 283-86, 286n; creation of, 99n; and Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, Amalgamated Association of, 269-70, 270n; organizing campaign, 26-27, 27-28n, 85, 124-25, 125n, 128-29, 129n; reorganization of, 359-60, 365n; and steel strike, 126, 126n, 128-29, 129n, 140-41, 141n, 142, 142n, 143, 144n, 151-55, 228-29 ( see also Steel strike, 1919-20); wire from, 128-29

National Erectors' Association, 8:227n, 287, 399n

National Industrial Conference Board, 9:523n, 127, 287-88

National Labor party, 17n, 262-66; convention, 1919 (Chicago), 214, 214n

National Labor Union, 3:204n, 8

National Race Congress, 143n

National Service party, 277-78

National War Labor Board, 10:408n, 20, 21n, 103; injunction against, 21n

National Woman's Union , 506

National Women's Trade Union League, 6:483-84n, 132-34, 135n, 523-24, 525n

Neary, Anna, 240n, 275n, 525-26, 526n

New York and Vicinity, Central Federated Union of Greater, 1:379n, 17n, 357-58n

New York and Vicinity, Central Trades and Labor Council of Greater, 357-58n, 445-46, 449, 449n, 458-59n, 467, 467n, 533n; minutes of executive board meeting of, 454-57; organizational meeting of, 354-57, 358-59n

New York Board of Trade and Transportation, 564n

New York City Board of Business Agents, 445

New York City Building Trades Council, 324, 324n, 352-53, 356-57, 378, 445, 467, 467-68n

New York City Cloak, Suit, and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association, 571; injunction against, 571n

New York Joint Board of Cloakmakers' Unions, 571n

New York State Assembly, and seating of socialists, 260-61, 262n

New York State Bureau of Employment, 243, 243n

New York state constitution: literacy test and right to vote, 379-80, 380n

New York State Federation of Labor, 2:96n, 458n

New York World, wire to the editor of the, 246

Nietsche, Friedrich W., 298, 299n

Nockels, Edward, 6:342n, 18n; letters to, 275-78, 368-73; letter from, 281-83

Nolan, John I., 152, 153n

Non-Partisan League, 227, 228n, 347n

Noonan, James, 191n, 365n

Norland, John M.,* 365, 366n

North Carolina State Federation of Labor, 6:48n, 511


Oakes, John, 106n; letter from, 106

Obreg ó n, Alvaro, 9:307n, 300, 300n, 303n, 340-41, 404n; letter to, 302-3

O'Connell, James,* 272, 274, 275n

O'Connor, Julia, 20n

O'Connor, Thomas V., 10:*, 532n

O'Hanlon, John M., 447, 448n

Ohio Valley Trades and Labor Assembly, 1:390n, 2:76n, 270

Olander, Victor A.,* 452-53, 454n

O'Meara, Patrick, 321n

One Big Union, 112-13, 149, 218, 412, 415, 550n; in Canada , 75, 75-76n, 94, 281n, 380

Open shop, 169, 216, 333, 383; campaign for, 339, 342-43, 401-2, 420-21, 423, 426n, 444, 456, 459n, 519-20, 520n; and labor turnover, 555

Oregon State Federation of Labor, 10:490n, 51

O'Reilly, Leonora, 134, 135n

Organize, right to, 11, 18n; AFL and, 7n, 186, 230-31, 235, 310, 327, 422; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington , D.C. ), 158-59, 168, 173, 177-82

Orr, Samuel, 262n, 447n

Oudegeest, Jan,* 223, 224n, 440n; letter to, 436-39

Overtime, 159

Oyster, Guy, 10:524n, 67, 91, 459, 543, 547; and AFL mission to Europe (spring 1919), 40n, 57; and AFL mission to Europe (summer 1919), 111n, 117-18, 460n; and AFL mission to Mexico (1921), 404n


Paine, Thomas, 4:235-36n, 367

Painters, Decorators, and Paperhangers of America, Brotherhood of, 10:*; and black workers, 84n; District Council 9 ( New York City ), strike (1920-21), 356, 358n; local 151 ( Toronto ), strike (1919), 72-73, 74n; local 1099 ( Toronto ), strike (1919), 72-73, 74n; local 1113 ( Toronto ), strike (1919), 72-73, 74n

Palestine ( Tex. ) Telephone Co., strike against (1919), 189- 90, 191n

Palmer, A. Mitchell, 191n, 195-96, 196n, 220-21n; SG meetings with, 197, 198n, 200-3, 203n, 204-5, 319n; SG telephone conversations with, 205, 205n, 206; letters to, 216-17, 220-21

Panama Canal Commission, 392, 393n

Pan-American Federation of Labor, 392, 393n; AFL financial support of, 139; convention, 1918 ( Laredo , Tex. ), 10:546n, 139; convention, 1919 ( New York City ), 113n, 139, 140n; convention, 1921 ( Mexico City ), 404n; financial affairs of, 139-40, 140n

Parry, David M., 6:126n, 382, 383n

Pass brothers, 113

Pattern Makers' League of North America , 10:*, 28n, 85n

Pavers and Rammermen, 319n

Peace treaty, 59n, 373n; labor clauses in, 41n, 69-70, 70- 71n, 88-91, 92-93n, 99-102, 108-10, 135-37, 166, 236-37, 367, 405; ratification of, 108-9, 109n, 110, 129n, 194, 212, 235-37, 404-5

Pensions, 333-34

Pennsylvania Mining Co., strike against (1915), 494n

Pennsylvania Mining Co. v. United Mine Workers of America , et al., 494n

Pennsylvania Railroad, 504

People, 572n

People's Legislative Service, 468-71, 471n

Perkins, George W.,* 67n, 283n, 401, 479, 549, 561n; and tobacco strippers' locals, 412-13, 415, 418-19, 419n; letter to, 67

Pershing, John J., 10:567n; attack on SG, 520-21, 521n

Persons, Charles E., 560, 560n

Pesta Z a Nu Z ez, Angel, 372, 373n

Peters, Andrew J., 10:155n, 146n; wire to, 145-46

Phaire, Frank, 326n

Phillips, Albert, 538, 539n

Photo-Engravers' Union of North America , International,* 337n

Picketing, 448, 458n, 571n

Plasterers: and black workers, 84n; and Chicago building trades arbitration case, 496n

Plumb, Glenn E., 131n

Plumb Plan, 130-31, 131n, 320n, 329

Plumb Plan League, 188n

Plumbers and Steam Fitters of the U.S. and Canada , United Association of, 8:*, 28n, 85n

Plunkett, George, 86n

Poindexter, Miles, 407n

Police: organization of, 75n, 145-46, 146-47n; strike (1919, Boston ), 145-46, 146 -47n

Polish crisis, 48, 49n

Political action, non-partisan, AFL and, 8n, 265, 265n, 266, 276-77, 281-83, 374-77, 378n. See also AFL National Non-Partisan Political Campaign; AFL National Non-Partisan Political Campaign Committee

Political action, partisan, by trade unions, 262-65, 265n, 266-69, 281-83; SG and, 8-16, 17n, 24-25, 265-67, 275-77

Political prisoners, wartime, amnesty for, 398n, 449-50n, 532, 533n; AFL conventions and, 91, 93n, 318, 318-19n, 397-98

Polk, Frank L., 91, 93n; wire from, 99-102

Pomerene, Atlee, 157n

Porters. See Railway Train Porters' Protective Association

Posen, 49n

Post, Charles W., 6:511n, 382, 383n

Postal Telegraph and Cable Co., strike against (1919), 93, 94 -95n, 102-4, 104n

Post Office Clerks, National Federation of,* 478n; and black workers, 84n

Pre Catalan v. International Federation of Workers in the Hotel, Restaurant, Lunch Room, Club, and Catering Industry, et al., 455, 458n

Pree, T. J., 189n

President's Industrial Conference. See Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington , D.C. )

Press, freedom of the, 8n, 18n, 70n, 159, 176, 247, 311, 562-64

Production, 386-87

Profintern. See Red International of Labor Unions

Profiteering, 18n, 120n, 233-34, 302, 423, 443-44, 542

Profit sharing, 242, 333-34

Progressive Labor party, 9

Prohibition: AFL and, 79-81, 81n; SG and, 79, 81, 81-82n, 183-85

Public employees, rights of, 311

Public utilities, government ownership of, 8n, 18n

Public works programs, 475, 476n, 497, 498n

Pugh, James, 326n

Pullman strike (1894), 3:521-25, 3:526n, 250-51, 330


Quarry Workers' International Union of North America, 6:*, 28n, 85n; and black workers, 84n

Quesse, William F.,* 450n; letter to, 450


Railroad brotherhoods, 13, 130, 131n, 281n, 309, 329-31, 332n, 347-49; and black workers, 393-94; conference, Nov. 1919 (Chicago), 213, 214n; conference, Dec. 13, 1919 (Washington, D.C.), 132n, 187, 188n, 238n; conference, Dec. 29, 1919 (Washington, D.C.), 241, 241n; conference, Feb. 1920 (Washington, D.C.), 249-58, 258-59n; conference, Feb. 1921 (Washington, D.C.), 426n; conference, Apr. 1921 (Washington, D.C.), 460-61, 461n, 462-63; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n, 158; and Kansas Court of Industrial Relations, 347n; and People's Legislative Service, 468-71, 471n; strike (1917, threatened), 259n; strike (1920, threatened), 249-58, 258-59n; strike (1921, threatened), 536, 539n; and Transportation Act of 1920, 238-39, 239n, 271, 332n; letter from, 238-39, 239n

Railroad Labor Board, 274-75n, 536-38, 539-40n

Railroad shop craft unions, 309, 344, 461n, 462-63; conference, Dec. 13, 1919 (Washington, D.C.), 187; conference, Dec. 29, 1919 (Washington, D.C.), 241n; conference, Feb. 1920 (Washington, D.C.), 249-58, 258-59n; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n; and People's Legislative Service, 469, 471n; strike (1919, threatened), 118-19, 119-20n; strike (1920, threatened), 259n; strike (1921, threatened), 504, 536, 539n; and Transportation Act of 1920, 238-39, 239n, 271; letter from, 238-39, 239n

Railroad Signalmen of America , Brotherhood of,* 344, 345n, 475n

Railroad system boards of adjustment, 489, 492n. See also Southern Lines System Board of Adjustment

Railroad system federations, 105

Railroad Telegraphers of North America, Order of,* 103, 104n, 131n, 344, 475n; and black workers, 315

Railroad Trainmen, Brotherhood of,* 46n, 131n, 249-50, 539n; and black workers, 42-43, 286, 393-94, 394n, 400; strike (1920, threatened), 252, 254-55, 257-58, 258-59n

Railroad Trainmen in America , Protective Order of, 46n, 394n, 400

Railroads: government control of, 131-32n, 241n, 274n, 320; government operation of, 214n, 235, 238-39, 239n, 473, 475n; government ownership of, 130-31, 131n, 214n, 319-20, 320n, 329, 472-75, 475n; private operation of, 131n, 157n, 195n, 216n, 238-39, 239n

Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, Brotherhood of,* 84n, 131n, 344, 475n; and black workers, 46n, 83n, 182-83, 313-16, 316-17n, 488-91, 491-92n, 501-2, 502n, 550-52, 552n; convention, 1922 ( Dallas ), 492n, 552, 552n; jurisdiction of, 105

Railway Carmen of America, Brotherhood of,* 28n, 85n, 99n, 131n, 344, 475n; and black workers, 46n, 119-20, 478n, 564-65, 565n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n

Railway Conductors of America, Order of,* 78, 78n, 131n, 539n; AFL charter, application for, 78, 78n; AFL charter request, withdrawal of, 78n

Railway labor adjustment boards, proposed, 157n, 216n, 274n

Railwaymen, National Union of, strike (1919, Great Britain ), 164, 167n

Railway Shop Laborers' Union , International, proposed, 105- 6, 106n

Railway Train Porters' Protective Association, 46n

Rainey, John W., 276, 278n, 281

Ralston, Jackson H., 4:294n, 336, 338n, 471n

Rantoul , Lois B., 134, 135n

Readjustment, postwar economic, 7, 51, 52n; AFL and, 7-8n; SG and, 3-5, 17n, 31-34, 52n

Reconstruction, postwar. See Readjustment, postwar economic

Redfield, William C., 10:79n, 191

Red International of Labor Unions (Profintern), 561n; congress, 1921 ( Moscow ), 487, 488n

Reed, John S., 428, 432n

Referendum, 422

Reinemeyer, Frank P.,* 106, 106n

Reinstein, Boris, 428, 432n

Reorganized United Mine Workers of America , 482n

Representation, right to, 159, 162-63, 168, 177-78

Republican party: AFL demands of, 1920, 310-13, 313n, 330

Retail Merchants' Association ( Palestine , Tex. ), 189

Reynolds, Mary, 413, 415, 417-19, 420n

Rheims , 56

Rice, Garrett, 326, 327n

Richmond , Daniel W.,* 326, 327n

Rickert, Thomas A.,* 128n, 345, 345n, 404n; elected AFL vice-president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482

Ricks, Augustus J., 3:294n, 330

Riley, John, 10:432n, 326

Roach, James E.,* 37n, 140n, 525-26; letter from, 36-37

Roberts, Horace W., 409n; letter to, 408-9

Roberts, William C., 401, 403n

Roberts, William W., 106n; letter from, 105-6

Robertson, Gideon D., 10:308n, 76n; wire from, 74-75

Robins, Lucy F., 297, 299n, 358n

Robins, Margaret Dreier (Mrs. Raymond Robins), 9:235n, 132, 134, 525n; letter to, 523-24

Robinson, Henry, 523n

Rochdale system, 233, 238n

Rochester (N.Y.) and Vicinity, Central Trades and Labor Council of, 456, 458 -59n

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 9:211n, 523n

Rogers , Jordan , 489, 491, 492n

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1:443n, 9, 90

"Rope of sand," 570, 572n

Rosemund, Charles L.,* 435, 435n, 466

Rosenwald, Julius, 10:312n, 523n

Rosko, George, 142n

Rotterdam (passenger liner), 40n

Rubin, William B., 8:459n, 451-52

Rucker, Nancy (Mrs. Robert Rucker), 460, 460n

Rucker, Robert E., 460, 460n

Runyon, Walter C., 543n, letter to, 542

Russanowska, Margaret, 20n

Russell, Charles E., 9:382-83n, 18n

Russia: American and Allied troops in, 86, 87n, 318n; blockade of, 86, 87n, 318, 318n, 371; Bolshevism in, 150, 318; conditions in, 369-72, 426-31, 432n; recognition of government of, 86, 87n, 150, 317-18, 318n, 371, 441-42, 478-79; trade with, 317, 318n, 440-42, 443n

Russo-Polish War (1920), 369, 373n; International Federation of Trade Unions and, 437-38, 439-40n

Rust, Frank A., 217, 217- 18n

Ryan, John A., 154, 155n

Ryan, Martin F.,* 120, 121n, 478n, 560n, 565n


Sacco, Nicola, 550n

Sacco-Vanzetti case, 549, 550n

Sadler, Frank P., 452, 454n

Sadler, Sam, 113

Saint-Mihiel , 47, 49n

Salem , Mass. : fire (1914), 31, 34n

Sales tax, 542, 543n

Samuel Gompers on the Kansas Court of Industrial Relations Law, 290n

Samuel, Sam O., 247n

Samuels, Arthur, letter to, 509

San Diego Federated Trades and Labor Council, 533-34, 534n

San Francisco : earthquake and fire (1906), 7:17n, 31

Sanger, Margaret H., 540n; letter to, 540

Saunders, Robert C., 217, 218n

Sauter, George, 95n

Scharrenberg, Paul, 10:*, 128n

Schenectady (N.Y.) Metal Trades Council, 411

Scheuermann, Edward W., 484, 486n

Schlesinger, Benjamin,* 449n, 455-47; letter from, 448-49

Schneiderman, Rose,* 134, 135n

Schwartz and Jaffee v. Hillman et al., 455, 458n

Schwartz, Dmitri A., 431-32n; testimony of, 426-31

Scott, John,* 190, 191n

Scott, Melinda, 9:110n, 20n, 240n, 275n

Seamen, protections for, in peace treaty, 70, 89-90, 92n

Seamen's Union of America, International,* 28n, 85n, 153n; and black workers, 84n; jurisdiction of, 46n

Seattle : general strike (1919), 61, 62-63n, 94; labor situation in, 224-25

Seattle and Vicinity, Central Labor Council of, 10:400n, 6, 7n, 63n, 218n, 373n, 487, 488n

Seattle Metal Trades Council, 62, 63n

Seattle Union Record, raid on offices of, 216-17, 217-18n

Secondary boycotts, 406-7

Self-Preservation and Loyalty League ( Bogalusa , La. ), 366n

Sellins, Frances M., 122, 123n

Service Employees' International Union, Building,* 450n; convention, 1921 ( Washington , D.C. ), 450, 450n

Sexton, James, 12, 17n

Sexton, Rolla (Sehon Rollin Sexton), 18, 20n; letter from, 18-20

Shafroth, John F., 219, 220n

Sharp, J. C., letter to, 464

Shaw, William, 326n

Shay, Charles C.,* 80-81, 82n

Shea, Timothy, 249, 259n

Shearin, John, 189n, 286n

Sheet Metal Workers' International Alliance, Amalgamated,* 28n, 85n, 131n, 344, 345n, 475n; and Chicago building trades arbitration case, 496n; jurisdiction of, 545n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n

Shepetuk, Peter, 353, 354n

Sheppard, Lucius E.,* 349n, 472n; letter from, 460-61; letters to, 347-49, 462-63

Shop councils, in the U.S. , 107, 389-90

Shop organizations, in Great Britain , 173, 176n, 244

Shop Stewards' and Workers' Committee Movement, in Great Britain , 166n, 173, 176n, 244

Short, William H., 8:208n; wire to, 212

Short, William M.* 7n, 113n, 224-25, 488n; letters from, 6- 7, 61-62; letter to, 487; wire from, 216-17

Shorter workday, 79, 82n, 504, 504n

Shotwell, James T., 110, 111n

Should a Political Labor Party Be Formed?, 8-16, 17n, 24-25, 25n

Shurtleff, Wade, 489, 491, 492n; letter from, 551-52; letter to, 550-51

"Silver roll" employees, in Canal Zone , 392-93n, 433-34, 435n

Sims, Robert T., 10:218n, 189n

Sims, Thetus, 131n

Sinn F é in, 89, 92n

Skis, Stanley , 142n

Slaughter, Ralph E., 528n; letter to, 527

Smart, David C., 478-79, 480n

Smillie, Robert,* 357, 358n

Smith, Ethel M., 18, 20n; letter from, 505-6, 507n

Smith, Frank C.: letter to, 382-83

Smith, John, 326n

Smith, Joseph, 551, 551n, 553

Smith, Paul J., 213n; wire from, 212

Smyth, Nathan A., 110-11, 111n

Snellings, Milton , 63n

Snowden, Ethel Annakin (Mrs. Philip Snowden), 28, 30n, 372

Snowden, Philip, 372, 373n

Social Democratic Party of Germany , 2:371n, 11

Socialist Party of America, 6:204n, 14, 263, 276; and Communist party, 427-28, 432n; SG and, 260-61, 262n

Socialists, 385; barred from New York State Assembly, 260- 61, 262n; barred from U.S. House of Representatives, 248, 248-49n

Society of Interior Decorators, strike against (1920-21), 358n

Solomon, Charles, 262n

Southern Lines System Board of Adjustment, 550-51, 551n, 552-54, 559

Southern Railway Co., 501, 551n

Southwestern Coal Operators' Association, strike against (1921), 482n

Soviet Russia Pictorial, 561n

Spears, Carl I. , 510-11, 512n

Speech, freedom of, 18n, 70n, 159, 163, 176, 247, 562-64; AFL and, 8n, 311

Speltz, John, 565n

Spencer, William J.,* 22, 23n, 392, 401, 434, 475n

Stage Employees, International Association of Colored, 546

Starzeleski, John, 122, 123n

Steam and Operating Engineers, International Union of, 7:*, 28n, 62, 85n; and black workers, 84n; local 40 (Seattle), 62, 63n; local 754 (Lawrence, Mass.), 351, 352n

Steam Shovel and Dredgemen, 28n, 85n

Stedman, Seymour, 263, 265n

Steel strike (1919-20), 126n, 193-94, 228-29, 253, 269-70, 359; AFL Executive Council and, 151-55, 155n; and black workers, 283-86, 286n; impending, 126, 128-29, 129n, 140-44, 144n, 147-48; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 158, 160n, 161-66, 166n, 167, 169; SG and, 140-42, 144n, 147-48, 155n, 161-66, 170-71; violence and, 141-42, 142n, 206, 206n

Steelworkers' organizing campaign, 26-27, 27-28n, 84-85, 85n, 98, 124-25, 125n; appeal to Wilson by, 128-29, 129n; finances of, 151-52, 360-61, 365n; reorganization of, 359-65, 365n; SG and, 26-27, 27n, 84-85, 98-99, 124-25, 125n

Stephens, William D., 10:397n, 87n; and Mooney-Billings case, 7, 7n

Stephenson, George, 33-34, 34n

Stereotypers' and Electrotypers' Union of North America, International,* 317n; and black workers, 84n

Sterling , Henry, 18, 20n, 338n; letter from, 18-20

Sterling , Thomas, 260n

Stevic, James O., 290n; letter to, 289-90

Steward, Luther C.,* 335, 337n, 435

Stillman, Charles B.,* 396 -97n; letter to, 395-96

Stone, Warren S.,* 78, 78n, 188n, 227, 447, 460-62, 470, 472n; letters from, 241, 308-9; letters to, 328-32, 344-45; wire to, 187

Straus, Oscar S., 6:236n; letter to, 58-59

Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of,* 21n; and black workers, 84n; convention, 1892 (Indianapolis), 3:229n, 532; convention, 1921 (Atlanta), 532, 532n; division 192 (Oakland), 431, 431n; division 268 (Cleveland), strike (1918), 19, 20-21n; division 764 (Kansas City, Mo.), strike (1918-19), 20, 21n; division 867 (Brooklyn), 358n; division 879 (Brooklyn), 358n; division 918 (Brooklyn), 358n; jurisdiction of, 78, 78n, 308-9, 309n, 328-29; strike (1920, Brooklyn), 356, 358n

Strickland, C. A., 87n, 93n

Strike, right to, 156-57, 230-32, 254-55, 290n, 293, 304-6, 311, 422

Strikers, violence against, 75n, 76, 76n, 121-23, 123n, 141- 42, 142n, 206, 206n

Strikes: AFL assessments for, 566; AFL financial appeals on behalf of, 126n, 154-55, 155n; legislation penalizing unions for, 332n; legislation barring, 157n, 194, 195n, 215, 226, 231-32, 241n, 253, 255, 279, 292-94, 301, 310-11, 406-7, 407n, 447, 447n; SG on, 193

Strikes and lockouts

--building trades: 1919 ( Winnipeg ), 75n; 1921-22 ( Chicago ), 496-97n

--cigarmakers: 1920-21 ( Tampa ), 567, 571n

--cloakmakers: 1921 (Chicago), 567, 571n; 1921 ( Philadelphia ), 567, 571n; 1921-22 ( New York City ), 567, 571n

--general strikes: 1919 ( Boston , threatened), 146n; 1919 (for Mooney, threatened), 6, 7n, 86, 87n, 94; 1919 ( Seattle ), 61, 62-63n, 94; 1919 ( Tacoma , Wash. ), 49-50, 50n; 1919 ( Winnipeg ), 74-75, 75n, 94

--house wreckers: 1920 ( New York City ), 353

--iron and steelworkers (1919-20), 126n, 193-94, 228-29, 253, 269-70, 359; AFL Executive Council and, 151-55, 155n; and black workers, 283-86, 286n; impending, 126, 128-29, 129n, 140-44, 144n, 147-48; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 158, 160n, 161-66, 166n, 167, 169, 170-71; SG and, 140-42, 144n, 147-48, 155n, 161-66, 170-71; violence and, 141-42, 142n, 206, 206n

--lathers: 1919 ( Toronto ), 72

--leather workers: 1919-20 ( Indianapolis ), 569, 571n; 1920 ( Boston ), 569, 571n; 1920 ( St. Louis ), 569, 571n; 1920-22 ( Chicago ), 569, 571n; 1921 (Peabody), 569, 571n

--locomotive engineers and firemen: 1893 ( Toledo , Ann Arbor , and Northern Michigan Railroad), 3:294n, 330

--longshoremen: 1920 ( Galveston ), 426n

--meat cutters and butchers: 1921-22, 567, 571n

--meatpackers: 1904, 6:314-15n, 567, 571n; 1917-18 ( Chicago , threatened), 10:280n, 453n; 1921 ( Chicago , threatened), 453n; 1921-22 ( Chicago ), 453n

--metal trades: 1919 ( Toronto ), 72-73, 74n; 1919 ( Winnipeg ), 75n

--miners: 1897, 4:345n, 567; 1900, 5:263n, 567, 571n; 1902, 6:13-14n, 567, 571n; 1912-13 (W.Va.), 8:519n, 296n; 1915 (Arkansas), 494n; 1919, 191-92, 192n, 194-95, 196n, 198-206, 208-12, 213n, 233, 252-53, 386, 566; 1919 (Brackenridge, Pa.), 121-22, 123n; 1919 (Kansas), 305-8; 1921 (Kansas), 481-82n, 558

--packinghouse workers. See meatpackers

--painters: 1919 ( Toronto ), 72-73, 74n; 1920-21 ( New York City ), 356, 358n

--police: 1919 ( Boston ), 145-46, 146 -47n, 318, 319n

--printers: 1921-24, 566-67, 570-71n

--railroad shopmen: 1919 (threatened), 118-19, 119- 20n

--railroad workers: 1877, 1:95, 250; 1888-89 (Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy Railroad), 2:108n, 330; 1890 (New York Central Railroad), 2:382n, 330; 1894 (Pullman), 3:521-25, 3:526n, 250-51; 1917 (threatened), 251-52, 259n; 1919 (Great Britain), 164, 167n; 1920 (threatened), 252, 254-55, 257-58, 258-59n; 1921 (threatened), 504, 536, 539n

--shipbuilders: 1920-21 ( Mobile , Ala. ), 484-85, 486n

--street and electric railway workers: 1918 (Cleveland), 19, 20-21n; 1918-19 ( Kansas City , Mo. ), 20, 21n; 1920 ( Brooklyn ), 356, 358n

--teamsters: 1920 ( New York City ), 458n

--telegraphers: 1919, 93, 94 -95n, 102-4, 104n

--telephone linemen and operators: 1919 ( Palestine , Tex. ), 189-90, 191n; 1919 (threatened), 95n

--textile workers: 1919 ( Columbus , Ga. ), 76, 76n; 1919 ( Lawrence , Mass. ), 65n, 350, 352n; 1921 ( North Carolina ), 510-12, 512n

Sullivan, Jere,* 46n; letter from, 42-46

Sullivan, Michael, 416, 420n

Sullivan, Olive M., 10:82n, 20n

Sumner, Charles A.,* 315-16, 317n

Sunderland , Gordon, 248n; letter to, 248

Svenson, Hilda, 132, 135n

Swaine, Philip B., 187n; letter to, 186-87

Sweeney, Charles P., 472n

Sweet, Thaddeus C., 261, 262n

Swem, Charles L., 398, 398n

Swift meatpacking company, strike against (1921-22), 571n

Switchmen's Union of North America ,* 28n, 85n, 254, 260n, 344, 475n, 539n

Sylvester, William, 489, 491

Syndikale Kommissie van Belgie, 57n


Tacoma , Wash. : general strike (1919), 49-50, 50n; labor situation in, 224-25

Tacoma ( Wash. ) Building Trades Alliance , 50n

Tacoma ( Wash. ) Central Labor Council, 49-50, 50n, 51

Tacoma ( Wash. ) Trades Council, 50n

Taft, William H., 6:383n, 330

Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen, 10:*; and black workers, 84n

Taxation, progressive, 8n

Taylor, Charles P., 113n; wire from, 112-13

Teachers, American Federation of,* 395-96, 396n; and black workers, 84n

Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Stablemen, and Helpers of America, International Brotherhood of,* 93n, 263; and black workers, 84n; local 156 ( Lawrence , Mass. ), 351, 352n; local 273 ( New York City ), strike (1920), 458n; local 273, injunction against, 455, 458n; local 393 ( Lawrence , Mass. ), 351, 352n; local 632 ( Lawrence , Mass. ), 351, 352n

Technical Engineers', Architects', and Draftsmen's Unions, International Federation of,* 435n

Telegraphers' Union of America, Commercial,* 94n; strike (1919), 93, 94 -95n, 102-4, 104n

Testerman, Cabell, 296n

Texas State Federation of Labor, 6:388n, 341

Textile Operatives, American Federation of, 352n

Textile Workers of America , Amalgamated, 350, 351 -52n

Textile Workers of America, United,* 97n, 525-26, 526n; and black workers, 84n; southern organizing campaign, 512, 512n, 525-26, 526n; local 1124 ( Columbus , Ga. ), strike (1919), 76, 76n; strike (1919, Lawrence , Mass. ), 65n, 352n; strike (1921, North Carolina ), 510-12, 512n

Theatrical Stage Employes and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the U.S. and Canada , International Alliance of,* 82n, 520, 520n; and black workers, 546, 547n

Third (Communist) International (Comintern), 432n; second congress, 1920 (Petrograd, Moscow ), 427-29, 432n; third congress, 1921 ( Moscow ), 487, 488n

Thomas, Albert A.,* 406n; letter to, 404-6

Thomas, Charles S., 9:195n, 220, 221n

Thomas, James H.,* 29, 30n

Thomas, Percy,* 103, 104n

Thompson, William H., 453, 454n

Thorne, Florence C.,* 18, 20n; and SG's memoirs, 68, 68n; letter from, 68

Tighe, Michael F.,* 128-29n, 141-42, 142n, 151-52, 361-64, 532n; letters from, 143-44, 269-70, 270n; letter to, 147-48

Timber Workers, International Union of, 10:*; and black workers, 366n; local 116 ( Bogalusa , La. ), 366; organizing campaign in Bogalusa , 366n

Tobacco strippers' conference, New England, 1921 ( New York City ), 419n; excerpts from minutes of, 412-19

Tobacco Strippers' Union, Amalgamated, 419n

Tobin, Daniel J.,* 25n, 91, 211n, 268, 345, 387, 473, 476- 77; and AFL mission to Europe (summer 1919), 111n; and AFL mission to Mexico (1921), 404n; elected AFL treasurer, 93n, 321, 321n, 482; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n, 390; resignation from AFL Executive Council, 514-15, 515n, 518-19; and steel strike, 152; letters from, 262-64, 514-15; letters to, 24-25, 518-19

Tobin, John F.,* 64, 65n

Toliver, Lena , 326n; letter to, 325-26

Topeka ( Kans. ) Industrial Council, 290n

Toronto : building trades strikes (1919), 72-73, 74n; labor situation in, 380-81; lathers' strike (1919), 72; metal trades strike (1919), 72-73, 74n; painters' strike (1919), 72-73, 74n

Toronto District Labor Council, 72, 74n, 380-81

Trades Union Congress of Great Britain, 11-12, 569; and International Federation of Trade Unions, 223; meeting, 1918 (Derby), 10:505n, 11, 13; Parliamentary Committee of, 11; Parliamentary Committee of, meetings with AFL peace delegation, 38-39, 40n

Trade Union Educational League, 561n

Trade unions: and antitrust legislation, 232-33; duty to, SG on, 498-99; organization of, 531-32; and "outsiders," 470; partisan political action by, 262-64, 265n, 265-69, 275-78, 281-83; partisan political action by, SG and, 8-16, 17n, 24-25, 265-67, 275-77

Trade Union Unity League, 561n

Treaty of Riga , 373n

Treaty of Versailles . See Peace treaty

Triple Alliance (in Washington state), 217, 218n

Trotsky , Leon , 10:512n, 112, 369-70, 427-28

The Truth about Soviet Russia and Bolshevism, 372

TUC. See Trades Union Congress of Great Britain

Tumulty, Joseph P., 10:4n, 93n, 126n, 129n, 182n, 239n, 300, 398n; wire from, 140-41

Tunnel and Subway Constructors, and black workers, 84n

Turner, Edmund, 84n, 326n

Typographical Union, International,* 84n, 333; and black workers, 84n; local 16 ( Chicago ), 1:212n, 333; strike (1921), 566-67, 570-71n; and women workers, 505


Unemployment, 386-87, 423, 444, 494

Unemployment Conference, 1921 ( Washington , D.C. ), 515n, 530, 532n

Unemployment Insurance, 475, 476n

Uni ó n Obrera de Paname Z os, 391, 393n, 434

Union shop, 327, 343

United Hebrew Trades, 3:355n, 298, 531

United Labor Council of America, 549, 550n; convention, 1922 ( New York City ), 549, 550n

United Mine Workers of America et al. v. Pennsylvania Mining Co., 492, 494n

United Typothetae, 570n

Untermyer, Samuel, 154, 155n, 399n; letters to, 399, 445-46

Upholsterers' International Union of North America, 6:*; and black workers, 84n

U.S. , peace commissioners of, 41n, 52n; meetings with AFL peace delegation, 39-40, 48, 55, 58n

U.S. Bituminous Coal Commission, 192n

U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 72n, 127

U.S. Department of Labor: and Canadian workers, immigration of, 341n; functions of, 160; investigation of Brackenridge, Pa., murders, 123n; and jurisdictional disputes, 22; and Mexican workers, immigration of, 338-39, 341n, 494-95, 495-96n; Training and Dilution Service, 36, 36n; U.S. Training Service, 36n; Woman in Industry Service, 36, 36n; Working Conditions Service, 36, 36n, 68

U.S. House of Representatives: and seating of Victor Berger, 248, 248-49n; Committee on Foreign Affairs, 432n; Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, 503-4n; Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 156, 157n

U.S. Railroad Administration, 61n, 120n, 183

U.S. Senate Committee on Education and Labor, 31-34, 296- 97n; hearings on steel strike, 85n, 123n, 152, 153n, 154

U.S. Shipping Board, 10:208n, 52n

U.S. Steel Corp., 5:335n, 230, 362-63, 399n; pension plan of, 333; and National Committee for Organizing Iron and Steel Workers, 98, 124-25, 129, 129n, 144, 147-48, 161-63; strike against (1919-20), 126n, 171, 194 ( see also Steel strike, 1919-20)

U.S. v. Armstrong et al., 196n

U.S. v. Frank J. Hayes et al., 196n

Utilities, government ownership of, 8n, 18n


Valentine, Joseph F.,* 148n, 313n, 345, 364, 389, 475, 476n; elected AFL vice-president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington , D.C. ), 128n; and steel strike, 148, 152

Van Cleave, James W., 7:155n, 382, 383n

Vandervelde, Emile G., 29, 30n

Van Owners' Association of Greater New York , 458n

Van Siclen, James C., 455, 458n

Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 550n

Vargas, Canuto A., 300, 341n, 391; letter from, 338-41

Varley, William, 74n; letter from, 72-74

Verdun , battle of, 9:426n, 49n

Versailles Treaty. See Peace treaty

Veterans, 8n, 118, 148-49, 277-78, 278n; and Centralia Armistice Day affair, 217n; and Kansas coal strike, 307-8; and Winnipeg general strike, 75n

Victor y Victor, Luis Alejandro, 391, 392n

Villard, Oswald G., 470, 472n

Vimy Ridge, battle of, 57, 58n

Virginia State Federation of Labor, 87n

Volk, Jacob, 353

Volstead, Andrew, 338n


Wadsworth , James W., Jr., 294n, 300; letter to, 292-94

Wages, 233-34, 560; determination of, AFL investigation of, 559-60, 560n; reduction of, SG on resistance to, 411-12, 443-44, 498n. See also Living wage

Wagner, Robert F., 8:472n, 18n, 459

Waldman, Louis, 262n

Waldron, John M., 143n

Walker, John H.,* 81, 82n, 90, 452; letter from, 102-4

Wallace, Edgar, 152, 153n, 401, 512n; letter from, 510-12

Wallace, George S., 295, 296n

Wallas, Charles, 324n

Walling, William E., 6:413n, 401

Walsh, Francis P., 9:117n, 18n, 21n, 154, 399, 451-53

War housing plans, 35

Warren, Francis E., 199n; letter to, 199

Washburn, Joseph, letter to, 411-12

Washington , D.C. , Central Labor Union, 4:171n, 195, 220

Washington , D.C. , race riot in, 116n

Washington, Horace L., 38, 41n

Washington Star, wire to the editor of the, 77

Washington State Federation of Labor, 5:450n, 113n, 218n; convention, 1919 ( Bellingham ), 112-13

Washington Times, letter to the editor of the, 366-68, 368n

Webster, John S., 157n; letter to, 156-57

Weeks, John W., 521n; letter to, 520-21

Wells, Hulet M., 10:400n, 112, 488n

West, George P., 9:433n, 472n

Western Labor Conference (of Canada ), 75n

Western Union Telegraph Co.: pension plan of, 334; strike against (1919), 93, 94 -95n, 102-4, 104n

Weyand, Louis, 107n

Wharton, Arthur O.,* 538, 539- 40n

Wheeler, Harry A., 168, 169n, 172, 176-77

White, Henry, 41n, 48, 49n, 58n

Whiteman, Clement L. V., 525, 526n

Whitley, John H., 166n

Whitley Plan. See Industrial councils, in Great Britain

Whitlock, Brand, 56, 58n

Whitty, Richard P., 53, 54n

Willard, Daniel, 10:79n, 259n, 347-48, 349n

Williams, Isabel, 395, 396n

Williams v. Great Southern Lumber Co., 366n

Wills, Herman E., 241, 241n, 348, 468

Wilson, Edith Bolling, 239n

Wilson, Frank, 228, 229n

Wilson, Frederick , 325, 326n

Wilson, Hugh, letter to, 242

Wilson, James A.,* 18, 20n

Wilson, Thomas Woodrow, 8:135n, 210, 239n, 336; and coal strike, 192n, 195; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 127, 158, 169, 172, 177, 179-80, 182, 182n; and International Labor Conference (1919, Washington, D.C.), 136, 138n; and labor clauses, in peace treaty, 87-88, 92n; and Mooney-Billings case, 7n; Obreg ó n, letter from, 300, 303n; and Paris Peace conference, 5n, 39, 40-41n, 58-59n, 69-70; and peace treaty, ratification of, 129, 129n; and police, organization of, 145; and postwar economic readjustment, 52n; and railroad shopmen's strike (1919, threatened), 120n; and railroad strike (1920, threatened), 259n; SG meetings with, 39-40, 41n, 47, 55, 125, 125-26n; and steel strike, 124-25, 125-26n, 128-29, 129n, 140-41, 144, 144n, 147, 162-63; stroke, 129n, 182n; and telegraphers' strike, 95n, 104n; and Transportation Act of 1920, 271; letter from, 127; letters to, 3-5, 183-85, 238-39, 239n, 397-98; wire from, 99-102; wires to, 121-23, 128-29

Wilson, William B., 10:*, 72n, 128n, 191, 193, 206n, 209, 259n, 336; and Mexican immigration, 342n; and steelworkers' organizing campaign, 28n; and telegraphers' strike, 95n, 103, 104n; letter to, 135-37

Wilson, William W., 276, 278n, 281

Wilson meatpacking company, strike against (1921-22), 571n

Wilson v. New et al., 9:450n, 251, 259n, 331

Winnipeg : building trades strike (1919), 75n; general strike (1919), 74-75, 75n, 94, 380; metal trades strike (1919), 75n

Winnipeg Trades and Labour Council, 75n

Wise, Stephen S., 154, 155n

Wolf, Robert B., 384-85, 390, 391n

Woll, Matthew,* 67, 67n, 140n, 211n, 345, 390, 426, 472n; and AFL campaign against injunctions, 456, 459n; and AFL committee on wage determination, 559, 560n; and AFL demands of Democratic and Republican parties, 313n; at AFL conventions, 81n, 88-89, 92-93n, 474-75, 479; and AFL National Non-Partisan Political Campaign, 275n, 283n; and coal strike, 195, 198n, 200-203; elected AFL vice-president, 93n, 321, 321n, 482; and freight handlers, AFL conference with representatives of, 488, 491; and Hearst papers, attack by, 366-67, 447; and Industrial Conference, First (1919, Washington, D.C.), 128n, 177; and International Federation of Trade Unions, AFL relations with, 224n, 440n; and International Labor Conference (1919, Washington, D.C.), 110-11, 111n; and National Women's Trade Union League, 132, 135n; and open shop campaign, AFL response to, 401; and People's Legislative Service, 468, 470-71; and Plumb Plan, 130, 131n; and southern textile organizing campaign, 525-26; and Unemployment Conference (1921, Washington, D.C.), 532n; letters to, 335-37, 522-23

Women workers, 128n, 159; AFL and, 18-20, 132-34, 135n, 476- 77, 478n, 505-6, 507n; "equal pay for equal work," 8n, 18n, 71n, 100, 159, 477

Women's Committee for Industrial Equality, 506

Women's Trade Union League, National, 6:483n, 21n, 505-6

Woonsocket (R.I.) Central Labor Union, 248n

Workers' compensation legislation, 8n, 312

Workers' Council of the U.S. , 549n

Workers' Education Bureau, 500n

Workers' Monthly, 561n

Workers' Party of America, 549, 550n; convention, 1921 ( New York City ), 549, 549- 50n

Workers' (Communist) Party of America , 550n

Worthey, James W., 326, 326n, 489, 491, 501-2, 502n, 550-51, 551n, 552; letter from, 558-59; letter to, 552-54

Wright, Chester M.,* 29-30n, 93n, 274; letter from, 28-29

Wright, Daniel T., 7:438n, 85, 85n

Wright, Donald H., 381, 381n

Wyatt, Calvin, 7:98n; letter to, 517


Yates, Rose, 10:468n, 18

Yellow-dog contracts, 174-75, 507-8

Yonkers (N.Y.) Federation of Labor, 317n

Young, Owen, 523n Zahniser, Charles R., 154, 155n

Zanesville ( Ohio ) Chamber of Commerce, 342-43

Zaranko, William, 323-24, 324n -25n, 378; letter from, 352-53

Zaritsky, Max,* 498, 499n

Zinoviev, Grigory Y., 428, 432n

Zuckerman, Max,* 499n; letter to, 498-99



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