SG desk    
The SG signature Papers

Volume 1 Index A-L


A (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)

Abolition of the wage system. See Wage system

Adler and Landauer, 112, 115n

AFL. See American Federation of Labor

Agricultural Labourers' Union, National,* 340, 353n

Alienation of labor, 311-12

Allen, Norman M., 261, 263n

Allen, William O., 283, 285n

Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein. See German Workingmen's Association, General

Alt, Charles, 413, 414n

Alvord, Thomas G., 208, 210n

Amalgamated Labor Union, 160

American District Telegraph Co., 306

American Federationist, 167n, 438n

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 277, 385, 387-88, 468-70; founding of, 387, 450-51, 453-64, 467-68; and KOL, 387-88, 467-69; SG and, 450-51, 468-70; structure of, 387, 468-69

American Land League. See Land League, American

Anarchism, alleged, 444

Anarchists, 386. See Haymarket defendants

Ancona, Mary D., 17-18

Angel, Moses, 11, 12n

Anti-Corn Law League, 32, 44n

Anti-tenement campaign, 67, 102-3, 112n, 124-27, 129-31,151-52, 169-77, 230, 242, 250-51, 260-62, 292-93, 448; doctors cited, 201-6; manufacturers' opposition, 260-62; SG and, 125, 130-31, 151-52, 169-70, 171-77, 207-10, 262, 291-93. See Cigar Makers' International Union; New York state legislature; Socialists

Anti-tenement legislation, 169-70, 208-9, 261-62, 270n, 292-93, 358. See New York state legislature

Appel, George W.,* 457, 459n

Apprenticeship, 225, 467

Arbeiter-Stimme, 97

Arbeiter Union, 21

Arbitration, 37, 42, 100, 287; SG and, 349-50

Arch, Joseph,* 340, 353n

Argyle, duke of (George Douglas Campbell), 344, 354n

Armour and Co., 467n

Arnold, Matthew, 12n

Arrington, Louis, 455, 460

Arthur, Peter M.,* 390

Arundel, Ernest J., 414

Aschermann, Edward, 297, 298, 327n

Aschermann and Co., 297-99, 301, 327n

Ash, Louis, 195, 198n, 199

Aubrey, James L.,* 266, 267n

Aull, Richard F., 447, 448n

Aylsworth, Ira B.,* 403, 404n


Backus, Josephus R., 165, 166n

Baer, Henry, 68, 69n, 83

Baer, Louis, 73, 74n

Bailey, William H.,* 399, 401, 411, 466

Bakers' National Union, Journeymen,* 457, 458n

Barbers' National Union, Journeymen, 459n

Barbers' Protective Union of New York, Journeymen, 457, 459n

Barry, Robert A., 204-5, 206n

Barry, Thomas B.,* 399, 401, 411, 426, 466, 467n

Barry, William J., 361, 362n

Bebel, August, 43n

Beecher, Henry Ward, 98, 99, 100, 101n

Belcher, Park, and Co., 113, 115n

Bence, George, 118, 175-78, 199, 260, 262

Benefit system, 146-48, 341-42; SG and, 103-4, 156-58, 341- 42. See Cigar Makers' International Union; Cigarmakers' Progressive Union; Trade unionism

Bengough, Herbert H., 214, 216n, 217, 235

Bergh, Henry, 99, 101n

Berliner, Louis,* 73, 74n, 83, 85, 87-89, 94, 108, 130, 255n; letter from, 86-87

Bernard, Thomas, 447

Berry, Thomas, 360, 362n

Bichler, William, 103-6

Bier and Co., 196, 199

Binder, Charles A., 446, 447n

Birkenhauer, George, 369

Bisbing, Ingham W., 359

Black, J. J., 458

Blair, George,* 361, 362n, 447

Blair, Henry W., 287, 289-356 passim

Blaskopf, Hermann, 174-75, 199

Blaskopf and Co., 262

Blend, Fred,* 157-58, 257n; letter from, 263-64

Blissert, Robert,* 100, 102n, 151

Block, George G.,* 457, 458n, 460

Bloete, Charles G.,* 171

Bloete, Fred, 71, 83

Blue Label, 392

Blue Label Pacific Coast Boycotter, 393

Board of Health. See New York City Board of Health

Boese, Thomas, 19, 20n

Bohemian immigrants, 46, 96, 192n.  See also Cigarmakers

Bondy, Charles, and Co., 56, 58n

Bondy and Lederer, 196, 198n, 199

Bondy and Schwartzkopf, 184-85, 188n, 199

Bootblacks, 307-8

Bossie, Levy, 68

Boston Central Trades and Labor Union, 166n

Boston Workingmen's Central Union, 166n

Boycotts, 365, 402n, 405, 430n, 435, 438n, 467n

Boyer, David P.,* 386, 396, 460, 463

Branch, Christopher, 414

Brant, Lyman A.,* 161, 165, 166n, 211, 214, 216, 222, 227-28, 230, 242

Brass Finishers' and Molders' Protective Union 1, 231, 232n

Brennan, William J., 222, 226, 229n

Brentano, Lujo, 24, 34, 43n

Brewers' Union, St. Louis, 457

Bricklayers' and Masons' International Union,* 385-86, 390

Brinkmann, William, 250, 251n

Broadhurst, Henry,* 211, 212n

Broadway Surface Railroad Co., 433n, 444

Brown and Earle, 379, 381-82, 392

Brückmann, Englebert, 250, 251n

Buchanan, Joseph R.,* 403, 404n

Buchanan and Lyall, 112, 115n

Buckley, James, 17, 18n

Building trades, New York, 67n

Bunching machines, 417, 419, 420n, 423

Bunchmakers, 45-46, 50, 53

Bureau of Internal Revenue, U.S. See U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue

Bureau of labor statistics, 219, 226, 258, 281, 287-88, 352

Bureau of Labor Statistics, New York, 151, 364

Bureau of Labor Statistics, Ohio State, 336, 353n

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. See U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Massachusetts, 290, 327n, 329

Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industries, New Jersey, 328, 340, 353n

Burgman, Charles F.,* 227-28, 229n, 231, 233-34, 242-43

Burke, James,* 103-6n

Business unionism, 71-72

Butler, Benjamin F., 269-70n

Byrne, Michael J., 218, 220n, 242-43


Cabet, Etienne, 40, 44n

Call, Wilkinson, 293-356 passim

Cameron, Andrew C., 22n

Campbell, George Douglas. See Argyle, duke of

Cantor, Jacob A., 446, 447n

Capek, Thomas, 46

Capital, concentration of, 140-41, 452

Capitalism, 31; SG and 347-49

Carlton, Albert A.,* 403, 404n

Carpenters, 39, 67n, 275

Carpenters and Joiners of America, Brotherhood of,* 279-81, 385-86, 389, 390n

Carpenters and Joiners, United Order of American, 457, 458n

Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated (English), 71

Cash girls, SG and, 304-5

Casserly, James A., 457, 458n

Castle Garden, 361, 362n

Casuss, R., 433

Cavanaugh, Hugh,* 402, 404n

Central Organization of Cigarmakers. See Cigarmakers of New York, Central Organization of

Chandler, Charles F., 152

Chicago Central Labor Union, 461, 462n

Chicago Federation of Labor, 166n, 462n

Chicago, Trade and Labor Assembly of, 166n, 462n

Chicago Trade and Labor Council, 166n

Child labor, 32, 37, 40, 45, 225-27, 268, 270n, 291, 304-8, 330, 361, 449. See also Cigar industry; Cigarmakers

Chinese Exclusion Act, 454, 455n

Chinese immigrants, 114-16n, 218, 230, 242, 373, 387; SG and, 300-301, 373. See also Cigarmakers

Cigar and Tobacco Workers' Association, American, 274n

Cigar industry, 4, 48-49, 52-53, 94; child labor in, 110-11, 172-210; division of labor in, 45, 66; ethnic workforce in, 45-47; in New York City, 45-46, 75-76, 169-70; and tariff, 45, 118; tenement-house production, 45-47, 50-54, 56-58, 67, 73-75, 102-3, 107, 110-11, 113, 115n, 124-25, 129-31, 151-52, 169-210, 250-51, 260-62, 291-93, 365, 373, 381, 408; unemployment in, 49, 58, 75, 77; work rules in, 94-95, 373-74; working conditions in, 49, 51, 53, 67, 75-76, 94, 110, 172-77

Cigarmakers, 4, 31, 42, 45-49, 51, 103, 112-14, 116-17, 126n, 136, 159, 269, 273, 274n, 275, 336-37, 359, 373-74, 397-98, 412-14, 437-38, 441-43; anti-tenement movement, 102-3, 119; Bohemian immigrants, 46-47, 50-51, 53, 57, 66, 77, 102-3, 110; child labor, 50, 53-54, 66; Chinese immigrants, 48, 114-16n, 125; cooperative shop, 116-17, 121-24; Cuban, 51, 457-58, 459n; ethnic divisions, 96-97, 107, 247-48; factionalism, 356-58, 365-66; German immigrants, 21, 47, 50-51, 66, 102-3, 110, 247, 259; and Henry George campaign, 431-33, 441-43; and KOL, 365-66, 382-84, 391-94, 416-17, 435, 437-38; lockout (1886), 375-79, 383-84, 407-8, 465; Milwaukee, 297-99, 327n; New York City, 45-47, 50, 66-67, 77, 95, 236-37, 247-54, 258-60, 356-60, 373-79, 441-43; strikes: (1870), 49, 50n, (1873), 66, (1877), 95-96, 109-21, 123, 207, (1886), 411-12, 422-24; tenement-house workers, 113, 115n, 129-30, 172-210; union label, 115n, 125, 126n. See also Socialists; Strikes; Cigarmakers, United; Women

Cigarmakers, Federation of Cuban, 457-58, 459n

Cigarmakers, United, 46-47, 50n, 56-57, 61, 63-64, 67, 73-74; benefits, 47, 55, 58, 62; constitution, 47, 61-66; ethnic sections, 55, 57; origins of, 55, 66

Cigar Makers' Association of the Pacific Coast, 126n

Cigar Makers' International Union,* 46, 48, 50n, 60, 66-67, 71-72, 105, 113, 139, 141-51, 165, 236, 245n, 265-66, 416-17, 442; anti-tenement campaign, 79, 126-27, 129-31, 167-71, 207-10, 292-93; benefit system, 72, 103-4, 134-39, 146-48, 156-58, 338-39, 341-42; board of appeals, 128-29, 132, 144-46; boycott (1886), 392-94, 405; and Cigarmakers' Progressive Union (CMPU), 359-60, 365-66, 368-69, 375-79, 381, 383, 416-20, 422-24; equalization of funds, 72, 135, 149, 338; and KOL, 380, 382, 385, 387, 392-94, 396-401, 404n, 405-11, 435-39, 464; labor bureau, 105, 135, 138, 146; labor politics, 169-70; New York District, 236-37, 269-72, 419; organizing drive, 269-72; and scabs, 389, 412; SG and, 103-6, 134-39, 236-37, 269, 369-71, 412n; sinking fund, 150; strike fund, 72, 113, 118, 127-29, 132-33, 146-47, 337-39, 419; strikes, 297-99, 327n, 382, 411-12, 422-24; union label, 293, 327n, 370, 374, 388, 392-94, 400-401, 409-11, 417, 435
--constitutions: (1879), 127-29, 132-33, 140-51, 156-57; (1881), 157n, 256-57; (1885), 369-71 --conventions: (1870), 46, (1875), 46, 67, (1877), 71, 103-6, (1879), 71, 134-40, (1880), 72, 139n, 156-58, 327n, (1881), 239, 245n, 257n, (1885), 368-69
--locals: local 2, 139n; local 5, 139n; local 6, 139n; local 8, 237; local 10, 373-74, 383, 419; local 13, 379, 380n, 419; local 14, 134, 139n; local 15, 5, 46, 50n; local 20, 96, 120n, 133, 134n; local 27, 140n; local 43, 116n; local 55, 134, 139n; local 68, 262, 263n; local 87, 50n, 111, 112n, 113-14, 419; local 90, 46, 50n, 55, 56n; local 97, 50n, 116n; local 100, 359; local 122, 139n; local 131, 237; local 132, 237, 419; local 141, 379, 380n, 419; local 149, 413, 414n, 419; local 165, 359n; local 213, 379, 380n, 419; local 237, 413, 414n; local 251, 419, 420n
--local 144: 46-47, 56n, 71, 76, 91-92, 132-33, 236-37, 373-74, 419; anti-tenement campaign, 169-71, 250-51, 258; benefit system, 71, 122; British influence on, 71; charter (1875), 68; and CMPU, 272-74, 357; constitution, 80-81; and cooperative shop, 118; corruption in, 93; equalization of wages, 73; factionalism, 97, 247-60, 264-66; and KOL, 383; mergers, 96, 120-21, 133-34, organizing drive, 73-74, 77-79, 98-100; and the Picket, 392; politics, 97, 171, 247-48; SG and, 46-47, 73, 79-80, 91-92, 120, 250-55; socialism, 103; strike (1877), 95-96, 106-11

Cigarmakers of New York, Central Organization of, 95-96, 110, 112-13, 116-17, 121, 124

Cigarmakers of North America, United, 247, 248, 274n

Cigar Makers' Mutual Association of London, 74, 75n

Cigar Makers' National Union, 5

Cigar Makers' Official Journal, 74n, 115n, 149-50, 169

Cigarmakers' Progressive Union, 248, 272-74, 356-58, 368, 369n, 375-79, 402n, 407-8, 412;
and Cigar Makers' International Union, 359-60, 365-66, 368-69, 375-79, 381, 412, 415-20, 422-24; and KOL, 415-20; SG and, 368-69, 416-17; strike, 357-58, 423

Cigarmakers' Society of England, 4

Cigarmakers' State Union, New York, 46

Cigarmaking: SG on, 4-5

Cigar Manufacturers' Association, New York, 358n, 375-79

Cigar Manufacturers' Association, American, 358n, 418, 422

Cigar Manufacturers' Association, National, 116, 117n

Cigar Manufacturers' Association, United, 357, 358n, 365-66, 381, 417, 418n, 421-22, 424n

Cigar manufacturers, 56, 66, 75, 118, 169-70, 375-79, 382, 442-43; and 1877 strike, 111-13, 115n; and KOL, 380, 415, 417; tenement-house production, 172-210, 260-62. See also Kerbs and Spiess; Levy Brothers; Lichtenstein Brothers and Co.; Stachelberg and Co.; Straiton and Storm; Sutro and Newmark; and other specific firms

Cigar mold, 45-46, 49

Cincinnati Central Labor Council, 212n

Cincinnati Central Labor Union, 212n

Cincinnati Trades and Labor Assembly, 211, 212n

City Record, 201

Civic Federation, National, 438n

Civil War, American, 4, 32

Clancey, Daniel, 361, 362n

Clark, George,* 165, 166n

Class consciousness, 41

"Class rule," 27, 29, 34, 38, 87

Class struggle. See Conflict between labor and capital

Cleveland Central Labor Union, 166n

Cleveland Industrial Council, 166n

Cleveland Trades and Labor Assembly, 165, 166n

Cline, Isaac,* 215-16, 217n, 219, 228

Clinton, DeWitt, 446

Clothing cutters, 466, 467n

CMIU. See Cigar Makers' International Union

CMPU. See Cigarmakers' Progressive Union

Coal Miners. See Miners

Cohen, Fanny Gompers,* 8, 14

Cohen, J. H., 10

Collar and cuff workers, 466, 467n

Colopovert, Joseph, 111

Columbus (Ohio) Trades Assembly, 455n

Communism, 214, 345-47; alleged, 110, 111, 209, 262

Communist Manifesto, 21

Concord Labor Club, 140-41, 360, 361n

Conflict between labor and capital, 25-26n, 214-15, 224, 240, 280, 299-300, 347-49, 372.
See also Congressional hearings

Congressional hearings, labor and capital, 287-356

Conspiracy laws, 212-13, 218, 226

Consuls, U.S., 298-300

Contract labor, 26, 219, 225-26, 287-88

Convict labor, 37, 40, 151, 169, 213, 215, 218, 225, 361

Cooper Union, 5, 192n

Cooper, Peter, 189, 192n

Cooperatives, 31, 35, 37, 42, 44n, 57, 61, 117-18, 121-24, 215-16, 287

Cooperative shop, SG on, 117-18, 123-24

Corruption, 69n, 93, 432, 433n, 444

Cotton industry. See Textile industry

Coughlin, John E.,* 165

Coughlin, William H., 361, 363n

Crawford, Mark L.,* 161, 211, 212n, 214, 216, 228, 230, 242-43

Cummin, Sherman, 227-28, 229n

Curriers, 161, 471n

Curtis, T., 125


Daley, Edward L.,* 458, 460n, 467

Dalton, William, 446, 447n

Daly, Judge Charles P., 119, 120n

Daly, Francis, 360, 362n

Dampf, Meyer, 255n, 260n, 438

Davidson, Herman, 271n

Davis, Bernhard, 457, 459n

Davis, Jacob, 17-18

Davitt, Michael, 285-86n

De Armay, Raymond, 432

Death benefits, 39, 156-58, 341

De Bary and Co., 95

Defiance Assembly. See Knights of Labor Local Assembly 2458

Delnicke Listy, 108n, 191, 192n

Democratic party. See New York City Democratic party

Denny, Albert G.,* 456, 458n, 460

Department of Labor, U.S. See U.S. Department of Labor

Detlef, Conrad, 125, 126n

Devitt, John, 360, 362n

Dewes, Jacob, 139n; letter from, 135-36

Dinkel, Judge John A., 113, 115n

District assemblies. See Knights of Labor

District Messenger Co., 306

Division of labor, 40, 45, 66, 90, 328

Dix, John A., 207, 210n

Domschke, C., 195, 198n, 199

Donnelly, James P., 458, 460n

Donovan, Florence F., 360, 361n

Doody, Patrick H., 434

Dorn, Henry, 461, 462n

Dougherty, John H., 447, 448n

Doyle, John J., 447

Doyle, Martin F.,* 83, 85; letter from, 85

Dues: SG on, 272

Duffy, Patrick G., 113, 115n

Duncker, Franz, 44n

Duryea Starch Co., 438

Dyer, Josiah B.,* 385, 389, 390n, 426, 464


Ecks, Henry, 250, 251n

Economic and Sociological Club, 60n, 83

Edmonston, Gabriel,* 275-76, 286n, 287, 364, 452, 457, 462n, 469-70

Egan, John P. 361, 362n

Eggleston, William M., 359 Ellis, William, 10, 12n

Ehmann, John, 390

Eight-hour law: Australia, 318-19, 327n; federal, 67n, 151, 212-13, 225, 229n, 281, 287-88, 320-30, 351

Eight-hour movement: (1872), 66, 67n; (1886), 276-77, 363-64, 371, 387-88, 448-49, 454, 461, 467n

Ely, Smith, Jr., 100, 102n

Emancipation of the working class. See Working class

Emanuel, G. J., 10

Emerson, Nathaniel B., 201-2, 203n, 204

Employers and employees, relations between, 308-11, 348-49

Employment bureau, 361, 362n

Emrich, Henry,* 371, 372n, 390, 452, 454, 457, 462n, 471

Engel, George,* 462n

Engels, Friedrich, 43n

Engineers, Amalgamated Society of, 457

English workers. See Working class

Eppenetter, Frank N., 361, 362n

Erb, Charles M., 369

Erfurt congress (1872), 26, 32, 42

Evans, Christopher,* 386, 390, 391n, 396, 426, 451, 457, 460, 464

Exler, John W., 219, 220n


Fabrosky, Joseph, 115n

Factionalism, SG on, 360. See also Cigar Makers' International Union 144

Farm laborers (English), 340-41, 353n

Faustus Labor Club, 360, 362n

Federal employees, 320-27

Federal labor unions, 469

Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the U.S. and Canada (FOTLU), 159-62, 211-13, 230, 235, 243-44, 282, 348, 354, 437, 451-52; conventions: (1881), 210-32, 238-44, (1882), 231, 232n, 275, 282-85, (1883), 323, 328n, (1884), 276, 363, 364n, (1885), 276, 371, 373n, (1886), 387, 451-58, 460-62; declaration of principles, 224-27, 241; and eight-hour movement, 363-64, 371, 462; finances, 233-34, 239-40; and KOL, 275-76, 387-88, 456, 460; Legislative Committee, 222, 228, 229n, 231-36, 239, 242-45, 276, 286, 371, 440, 451-52, 460; merges with AFL, 387, 461, 462n, 467-68; resolutions, 218-19, 223-27, 230-31, 242, 282-83; SG and, 163, 211, 214, 216-24, 227-35, 238-45, 277n, 286n, 371, 387, 440, 457, 462n; and socialism, 213, 216; and strikes, 280, 454; structure, 221-30, 239-40

Feltman, William, 185-86, 199

Fielden, Samuel,* 462n

Finkelstone, Edward,* 457, 458n

Finn, Daniel E., 446, 447n

Finn, John J., 360, 362n

Finnell, Thomas C., 206, 207n

First International. See International Workingmen's Association

Fischer, Adolph,* 462n

Fitzgerald, Theodore, 135, 139n

Fitzpatrick, Patrick F.,* 165, 166n, 385-86, 389-90, 396, 426, 451, 457, 460, 463-64, 466, 470

Flanigan, John, 215, 217n

Flint Glass Workers' Union,* 458, 459n

Foran, Martin A.,* 283, 285n

Ford, Thomas J.,* 434

Forschner, August J.,* 257

Fortschrittspartei. See Progressive party

Fortune, John,* 98, 101n, 111, 259

Foster, Frank K.,* 282, 283n, 287

Foster, William H.,* 211, 212n, 230-31, 233-36, 242-44, 286-87, 382, 383n, 385, 389-90, 440, 458

Foster and Hilson, 192, 193n, 199, 423

FOTLU. See Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions

Fourier, Francois Marie Charles, 40, 44n

"Fourth Estate," 28-29, 44n

Frank, Anton,* 424, 425n

Fraternal organizations, 5, 39

Frauds, employer, 313

Freight handlers, 296-97

Frey Brothers, 194, 198n, 199

Frohnhoefer, Henry, 68, 69n

Fuller, Warren, and Co., 399, 402n

Furniture workers, 67n

Furniture Workers' Union, International,* 390, 391n


Gantt, Thompson F. 455, 456n, 460

George, Henry,* 288, 431, 454; letter from, 432; mayoral campaign, 429-34, 438n, 439, 441-43, 445-47; SG and mayoral campaign, 429, 431-32, 434, 441, 444-46, 448-49

George, James Z., 291-356 passim

German immigrants, 4, 32, 95-96, 98, 247-48. See also Cigarmakers; Socialists

German Society of New York, 362n

German Trades of the City of New York, United, 457, 459n

German working class. See Working class

German Workingmen's Association, General, 23, 32, 43n

German Workingmen's Associations, Federation of, 33-34, 44n

German-Bohemian Union. See Cigarmakers of North America, United

Gessner, Frank M.,* 390

Gibson, David R.,* 402, 404n

Gideon, David, 262, 263n

Glassworkers, 211, 215. See also Flint Glass Workers' Union; Window Glass Workers' Local Assembly 300

Goldsmith, Marcus K.,* 103-6

Goldsmiths,* 31, 42

Gompers, Abraham,* 153, 154n

Gompers, Abraham Julian,* 153, 154n

Gompers, Alexander,* 14, 16

Gompers, Alexander Julian,* 96, 153, 154n

Gompers, Bella,* 153

Gompers, Catherine,* 8, 14, 153

Gompers, Clara. See Le Bosse, Clara Gompers

Gompers, Elizabeth Tate,* 153, 154n

Gompers, Emanuel,* 153

Gompers, Fannie,* 153, 154n

Gompers, Fanny. See Cohen, Fanny Gompers

Gompers, Harriett,* 14, 16

Gompers, Henrietta (SG's grandmother),* 8, 14

Gompers, Henrietta (SG's sister),* 153

Gompers, Henry,* 14, 16

Gompers, Henry Julian,* 153

Gompers, Jacob,* 16, 153

Gompers, Louis (SG's brother),* 14, 16, 153

Gompers, Louis (SG's cousin), 153

Gompers, Minnie, 153

Gompers, Rose,* 153

Gompers, Samuel, 46, 71-72; alleged intemperance, 410, 465-66; apprenticeship of, 3; becomes citizen, 18-19; birth, 3, 7; black eye, 449; criticism of, 247; early employment, 4-5; education, 3-5, 9, 13; family background, 3, 7-8, 14, 16-18, 96, 153-55; immigration to U.S., 4, 16; interview, 404-5; marriage, 5, 17-18; membership in KOL, 289, 327n; memberships in fraternal organizations, 5; personal history, 289; testimony, congressional hearings (1883), 287, 289-356

Gompers, Samuel (SG's cousin),* 153, 154n

Gompers, Samuel Julian,* 6, 153, 438n

Gompers, Samuel Moses,* 3, 7, 14

Gompers, Sarah (SG's aunt). See Levy, Sarah Gompers.

Gompers, Sarah (SG' cousin), 153

Gompers, Sarah Rood,* 3, 7, 8, 14, 16, 153

Gompers, Simon (SG's brother),* 153

Gompers, Simon (SG's uncle),* 8, 14, 153, 154n

Gompers, Solomon (SG's cousin), 153

Gompers, Solomon (SG's father),* 3-4, 7, 14n, 16, 153

Gompers, Sophia Julian,* 5, 17, 18n, 153

Goodwin, Francis, 205, 207n

Gotha congress (1875), 43n

Gould, Jay, 99, 101n, 343, 402n, 432-33n

Government employees. See Federal employees

Government ownership. See Railroads; Telegraph lines

Grace, William R., 172, 173n

Grady, Thomas F., 260, 263n

Granget, John P., 205, 207n

Granite cutters, 275, 339

Granite Cutters' National Union,* 165, 166n

Grant, Ulysses S., 320, 323, 328n

Greeley, Horace, 446

Green, Samuel S.,* 371, 372n, 452

Grenell, Judson,* 282, 283n

Grosse, Edward,* 258-59, 260n

Guilds, 24, 30, 34, 38-39

Gutstadt, Herman,* 237


Haas, Louis, 260, 262-63n

Hagan, Edward P., 446, 447n

Haggerty, John, 133

Hall, Goldsmith P., 455, 460, 466

Hallahan, H. F., 255n

Haller, Frederick,* 366, 374, 397, 399, 419-20, 432

Hamilton, Robert R., 447, 448n

Hammerstein, Oscar, 418

Hanlon, John F., 457, 459n, 460

Harmony Mills, 265n, 267-68, 293-96

Harris, Daniel,* 107, 108n, 111

Harris, George,* 390, 391n, 457, 469-70

Hart, I., 10

Hat Finishers' Association, Brooklyn, 361, 362n

Hat Finishers, National Trade Association of,* 390

Hatmakers, 31, 38, 42

Hausler, Mary,* 108, 109n, 110, 119

Hayes, Isaac I., 152

Hayes, John W.,* 399, 401, 411, 426, 466, 467n

Haymarket: bombing, 277; defendants, 461, 462n, 467

Health benefits, 39

Heine, C., 183-84, 199

Henneberry, Thomas T.,* 243, 245n

Heurtaux, Alfred, 204, 206n

Hewitt, Abram S.,* 126, 127n, 207, 429, 431n, 441, 443-44

Hexter, H., 108, 109n

Hillmann, Carl,* 22, 43n; pamphlet, 23-43

Hirsch, David, 21, 75, 76n, 96

Hirsch, Henry, 449

Hirsch, Max, 33-34, 44n

Hirschhorn and Bendheim, 187, 188n, 199, 262

Hirschhorn and Co., 112, 115n

Hirth, Frank,* 71, 103-6

Holzmann and Deutschberger, 112, 115n, 197, 198n, 199

Home Club. See Knights of Labor

Homestead strike, 455n

Hopkins, John J., 361, 362n

Horse car drivers, 301-3, 327n

Hours of Labor. See Workday

Howard, John, 449

Howard, Robert,* 217-18, 220n, 228, 286n, 329, 390

Howe, Walter, 93

Howes, John W., 387, 455, 456n, 460

Huck, Louis,* 85, 86n

Hurst, George,* 66n, 68; letters to, 75-78


Immigrants. See Individual nationality groups

Importation of labor, 297-301

Indianapolis Central Labor Union, 165, 166n

Indianapolis Trades Assembly, 165, 166n

Inspector, H. M., 10

Intemperance, 215-16, 410, 464

Internal Revenue. See U.S. Bureau of Internal Revenue

International Workingmen's Association, 21, 22n, 24, 26, 36, 83, 84n; Basel congress (1869), 25, 43n; Conference of Delegates (1871), 25, 44n; General Council, 25-26, 43-44n; Geneva conference (1866), 25, 43n; Hague congress (1872), 25, 43n, 44n; and trade union movement, 25-26, 31

International Labor Union, 84n

International Working People's Association, 462n

Ireland, 218-20, 223, 248

Irish Immigrant Society, 362n

Irish immigrants, 248

Irish National Land League. See Land League, Irish National

Iron and Steel Workers, 159, 272, 339-40, 385-86, 437

Iron and Steel Workers, Amalgamated Association of,* 165, 166n, 167, 211, 272n, 339-40, 353n

"Iron law of wages," 27, 31, 44n, 87

Iron Molders' Union of North America,* 165, 166n, 167, 216, 385; local 14, 217n; local 72, 165, 166n; local 181, 165, 166n

Iron Molders, National Union of, 217n


Jablinowski, Ludwig,* 432, 433n

Jacoby, M., and Co., 196-97, 198n, 199

Jaehne, Henry, 444

Jarrett, John,* 212, 214, 216, 218-19, 223-24, 227-28, 230, 238

Jefferson, Thomas, 446

Jesse, Paul, 73, 74n

Jews' Free School, 3, 9-13, 17

Johnson, Edwin, 208, 210n

Johnston, Robert, 267, 268n

Jonas, Morris, 108, 109n

Jones, Addison P., 261, 263n

Jones, David R.,* 221, 229n

Josephs, Samuel, and Co., 189-90, 192n, 199, 209, 262

Journal of the Knights of Labor, 391

Journeymen's associations, 39, 41

Julian, David H.,* 17, 18n

Julian, Sophia. See Gompers, Sophia Julian

Junio, John J.,* 68, 69n


Kane, John, 457, 459n

Kaufmann, Berthold W.,* 83, 90; letter from, 89-90

Kaufmann Brothers, 197, 199

Kaufmann Brothers and Bondy, 186-87, 188n, 199

Kean, Edward J.,* 360, 361n, 449

Kelby, Walter, 134, 139n, 151

Kells, David, 360, 361n

Kelly, John, 100, 102n, 169

Kenny, John F., 446, 447n

Kerbs and Spiess, 56-57, 58n, 66, 110, 112n, 113, 194-95, 198n, 199, 210, 260, 262, 365, 373-74, 378, 407, 423

Kiernan, James G., 206, 207n

King, Edward, 288

King, George G.,* 371, 372n, 452

Kinnear, John, 165, 166n

Kirchner, John S.,* 366, 368-69, 387, 398-99, 409, 437, 440, 452, 454, 457, 462n

Knights of Industry, 160

Knights of Labor (KOL), 81, 159-62, 167, 211, 220n, 248-49, 276, 284-85, 287-88, 382, 391-92, 403, 404n; and AFL, 387-88; anti-trade union wing, 389, 403, 404n, 420; boycotts, 365, 467n; cigarmakers, 248-49, 382-83, 416-17, 435; and Cigar Makers' International Union, 365-66, 392-94, 396-401, 405-11, 435-39, 464; and Cigarmakers' Progressive Union, 415-20; District Assembly (DA) 3, 167; DA 9, 167, 168n; DA 17, 160; DA 45 (Telegraphers, Brotherhood of), 353n; DA 49, 248, 366, 382, 383n, 384, 387, 397, 399, 404n, 405, 407-8, 411, 415, 419-20, 435-36, 438n, 439, 467n; DA 68, 402n; DA 126, 420, 421n; and eight-hour movement, 276-77, 388; and FOTLU, 275-76, 282-83, 456, 460; General Assemblies: (1878), 159, (1880), 160, (1885), 380n, (Cleveland, 1886), 386, 391, 392n, 395, 399-403, 405-6, 425; (Richmond, 1886), 386, 425-27, 435, 437, 439; (1887), 435n; General Executive Board, 399-403; and Henry George campaign, 429-30; history of, 159-60; Home Club, 402-3, 404n, 420; Joan of Arc Assembly, 467n; label, 366, 380-82, 384, 393, 395-396, 400-401, 405n, 408-11, 420, 435; Local Assembly (LA) 1562 (Spread the Light Club), 237n, 276, 438n; LA 1630, 217, 220n; LA 2458 (Defiance Assembly), 248, 327n, 383-84, 399-401, 408, 438; LA 2814 (Progressive Labor Club), 248, 399, 402n; LA 3275, 402n; and scabs, 395, 397-98, 406-7, 409-11; SG and, 283, 388, 397-99, 405, 420-21, 438-40, 463-66; and strikes, 160, 353n, 395, 399, 402n, 466, 467n, 470-71; structure, 159-60, 385; and tenement-house production, 380, 407-8; and trade unions, 159-62, 280, 385-89, 395-98, 402-3, 404n, 406-9, 425-27, 436-38, 440, 454, 460-62, 467-69

Kohn, Joseph, 113, 115n

KOL. See Knights of Labor

Kostial, T., 204, 206n

Kronburg, David,* 83, 84n, 85, 86n

Kuenstler, Rudolph, 237

Kunart, William, 111, 112n

Kutscher, William, and Co., 187-88, 199


Label, cigarmakers', 115n, 125, 126n, 293, 327n, 366, 370, 374, 384, 392-98, 400-401, 409-11, 413-14, 417, 420, 435

Labor bureau. See Cigar Makers' International Union

Labor competition, 26n, 115n, 125, 171, 230, 241-42, 300-301

Labor congress. See Trade union congress

Labor education, 105

Labor movement, European, 164, 211, 213, 215, 281, 340-41, 345

Labor movement, in United States, 159-60, 271-72

Labor party, 248, 387. See United Labor party

Labor politics, 126-27, 131, 139, 151-52, 169-70, 226-27, 230-37, 248, 250-54, 360-61, 429-33, 439, 441-43, 450. See also Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions; New York City

Labor press, 37, 108n

Labor productivity, 316-17, 328-30

Labor saving machinery. See Machinery, labor saving

Labor Standard, 83, 203n

Labor statistics. See Bureau of labor statistics

Lake Seamen. See Seamen

Land grants, federal, 285, 286n

Land League, American, 286n; Irish National, 285-86n

Land reform, 218-20, 282

Landauer, Strauss and Co., 188, 199

Lane, Horatio H., 458, 459n

Larkin, Michael, 283, 285n

Lassalle, Ferdinand, 26-28, 43-44n, 259

"Lassalleans," 84n

Lasters' Protective Union, New England,* 458, 460n

Laurrell, Ferdinand,* 21, 22n, 46, 71, 83, 84n

Layet, Alexandre, 204, 206n

Layton, Robert D.,* 161-62, 167, 228, 287; letter from, 167

Le Bosse, Clara Gompers,* 8, 14

Leader, 429-30, 438n, 459n

Lederman, Michael C., 414

Leffingwell, Samuel L.,* 165, 166n, 211, 230, 242-43

Legislation, labor, 170, 212, 225-27, 231, 352, 354n, 361

Legislation, foreign--Australia, 318-19, 327n;

Legislation, state-- Massachusetts: ten-hour law, 290, 327n, 329-30
--New York: anti-tenement law, 169-70; mechanics' lien law, 151, 226, 258, 361

Legislation, U.S.: eight-hour law, 67n, 151, 212-13, 225, 229n, 281, 287-88, 320-30, 351

Legislative Committee, FOTLU. See Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, Legislative Committee.

Leib, Francis, 251

Lelyfeld, Louis, 414

Lenz, Charles, 346, 354n

Levy, M., 237

Levy, Marcus,* 18-19, 20n

Levy, Sarah Gompers,* 8, 14

Levy and Ullmann, 113, 115n

Levy Brothers, 193-94, 198n, 199, 374-77, 379, 381-82, 392, 408, 417-18

Lewis, Ansel M., 237

Lewyn and Martin, 419

Lichtenstein, Benjamin, 260, 263n

Lichtenstein Brothers, 58, 59n, 181-84, 199, 418; letter from, 392-94

Lieb, Francis, 251

Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 43n

Lincoln, Abraham, 332

Lingg, Louis,* 462n

Lipman, Miss, 11

Local assemblies. See Knights of Labor, local assemblies

Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of,* 339, 343, 353n

Locomotive Firemen, Brotherhood of,* 390, 391n

Love, John W., 408, 409n

Lozier, Henry, 414

Lustig, Adolph, 432, 433n

Luther, Martin, 29

Lynch, Charles D., 231, 232n

Lynch, James,* 221, 228, 229n, 259


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