SG desk    
The SG signature Papers

Volume 4 Index A-L

This index also includes references to substantive annotations in previous volumes that are not repeated here; for instance, the reference to John P. Altgeld's glossary entry in volume three appears in this index as 3:*.


A(Asterisks indicate glossary entries)

Acton, Harry H., 236-37, 238n, 239

Adams, Alva, 2:88n, 266

Adams, Charles, 249n

Addams, Jane, 45n

AFL. See American Federation of Labor

Agents Association, American,* 502, 502n

Aldridge, G. W., 333n

Ale and Porter Brewery Union 1 (Albany, N.Y.), 222, 223n

Allen, William V., 324n

Altgeld, John P., 3:*, 377, 379n

American Federationist, advertising in, 394-95, 395n, 412; circulation of, xiv

American Federation of Labor (AFL): affiliates, autonomy of, SG and, 120, 212-14, 245; collectivists in, 92, 97; defense fund, SG and, 300; dues, 215-16, 279; headquarters, location of, xiv, 133, 248, 281-82, 284, 288; individualists in, 92, 97; membership of, xiii, xxn, 60, 160, 419, 492; objectives of, 119-20; officers, election of: 1895, 6-7, 94, 94n, 95, 95n, 96, 98-99; 1896, 278, 278n; 1897, 413, 414n; officers, political activities of, 239-41, 242n, 275-78; organization of, 120

--conventions: scheduling of, 248; 1890 (Detroit), 368, 368n; 1892 (Philadelphia), 3:215n, 141n; 1893 (Chicago), 46, 49n; 1894 (Denver), 9n, 10-12, 21n, 44, 96, 98n, 341, 389; 1895 (New York), 9n, 21n, 53, 80-102 (accounts of), 341; 1896 (Cincinnati), 124n, 255-56, 268-84 (news accounts of); 1897 (Nashville), 355n, 389, 405-16 (accounts of); 1898 (Kansas City, Mo.), 416, 417n

--Eight-hour Advisory Board, 321, 323n, 327

--Executive Council: circular, 383-85; letters to, 66, 123-24, 176-77, 259, 331-33, 337-38, 364-66, 385-86, 429-30, 452, 471, 476-78, 486-87; memorial to president, cabinet, and Congress, 321, 325-27; meetings of (minutes): Oct. 1896, 239-41; Dec. 1896, 266-67; Apr. 1897, 321-23

--federal labor unions (FLU): FLU 5335 (Cincinnati), 123-24, 124n; FLU 6617 (Nashville), 180-81, 182n; FLU 6898 (Chattanooga), 334, 334n; Montgomery, Ala., 29

--Legislative Committee, 112, 113n

--local unions, directly affiliated (LU): LU 2873 (See LU 3873); LU 3873 (conductors and motormen, Boston), 189-91, 191n; LU 5533 (musicians, Butte, Mont.), 289-90, 291n; LU 5579 (musicians, St. Louis), 123n; LU 5809 (Britannia workers, Meriden, Conn.), 239, 241n; LU 6042 (tobacco boxmakers, St. Louis), 3:463n, 147, 148n; LU 6146 (sheep butchers, Kansas City, Mo.), 286-87, 287n; LU 6321 (fishermen, Astoria, Ore.), 342n, 363-64; LU 6352 (musicians, New York City), 56, 57n, 397-98, 399n; LU 6423 (pork butchers, Kansas City, Kans.), 286-87, 287n; LU 6453 (see LU 6423); LU 6468 (tobacco factory laborers, St. Louis), 130, 131n; LU 6475 (see LU 6574); LU 6496 (beef butchers, Kansas City, Kans.), 286-87, 287n; LU 6574 (mattress makers, Piqua, Ohio), 139-40, 140n; LU 6619 (textile workers, Fort Wayne, Ind.), 128n; LU 6636 (bricklayers and stonemasons, Chicago), 157, 158-59n, 162, 162n; LU 6647 (cattle butchers, New York City), 229-30, 230n; LU 6745 (stationary engineers, etc., Leadville, Colo.), 259, 259n, 297; LU 6836 (liquor bottlers, New York City), 218n; LU 6852 (coal handlers, Lynn, Mass.), 188, 189n; LU 6861 (button workers, Muscatine, Iowa), 314n; LU 6869 (laborers, Ludington, Mich.), 336-37, 337n; LU 7033 (tube workers, Ellwood City, Pa.), 483-85, 485n

--organizers, 114; letter from, 314-16; letters to, 114, 117-18, 138-40, 166, 182-83, 245-46, 305-7, 314, 317-18, 336-37, 342-43, 375, 462-63; political activities of, 239-41, 268-72, 272n; organizers, SG and, 114. See also South: organizing in; West: organizing in

--political program, 10-12, 44, 96-97, 98n

American Labor Union, 453n

American Protective Association, 3:660n, 97, 190, 260-61

American Tobacco Co., 116, 117n

Andrews, Elisha B., 435, 435n

Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co., 329-30, 330n

Arago case. See Robertson v. Baldwin

Aragon mine (Norway, Mich.), 165n

Arbitration, boards of (French), 69

Arbitration: SG views on, 111-12, 291-92, 303

Arbitration treaty, British-American. See Treaty, arbitration, British-American

Archibald, James P.,*, 18, 19n, 56

Arkwright Club, 435, 435n

Armstrong, Hamilton, 3:41n, 196, 205

Arthur, Peter M.*, 104, 106n

Ashe, Robert, 79, 79n, 98-99, 99n, 270, 272n, 280, 284

Askew, Robert,* 165n, 221, 222n, 271, 272n, 410, 411n; and miners' strike (1897), 348, 350, 357, 359n, 366, 378; letter to, 162-64

Atkinson, Edward, 446n

Atkinson, George W., 360n, 363n, 365; letter to, 362-63

Atlanta Federation of Trades, 24n, 427n

Avery, Mr., 483, 485


Bailor, M. J. See Bailor, W. J.

Bailor, W. J., 351-52, 352n

Bakers' and Confectioners' International Union of America, Journeymen,* 82n, 99

Balch, Emily Greene, 193, 195n

Ball (delegate), 12, 15

Baltimore Federation of Labor, 2:68n, 482, 483n

Bandlow, Robert, 3:*, 45n, 449, 451n

Banks, savings: SG views on, 424-25. See also Government savings banks

Bannister, E. M., 453n

Barbers' International Union of America, Journeymen,* 82n, 99

Barbers' Protective Association of Chicago, 80, 82n

Barnes, J. Mahlon,* 78, 79n, 103, 118; at AFL 1895 convention, 93, 95-96, 99; at CMIU 1896 convention, 236-37, 239

Barrett, John H.,* 454-55, 456n

Barrett, Patrick A., 263, 264n

Barter, Henry, 479n

Bartholomay Brewing Co., 332

Bath Iron Co., 499n

Baudot, Marien, 77n

Bausch, Jacob E., 57, 57-58n, 249n

Beam, Andrew, 501-2, 502n

Bebel, August, 1:43n, 68

Bechtold, Charles F.,* 330n; letter from, 329-30

Beck, Jacob, 399n

Beckly, Mr.: letter to, 233-34

Behnke, Edward, 72, 75n

Bell, John E., 41, 42n

Bell, Stephen, 57, 57n

Bellamy, Edward, 305, 307n

Benditt, Morris, 236, 238n

Benefits, union: SG views on, 448

Bennett, George, 432n

Berliner, Louis, 1:*; letters to, 224-25, 234-35, 461-62

Bethlehem Iron Co., 490-91, 499n, 500

Bettenhausen, George A., 307n; letter to, 305-7

Bicycle Workers, International Union of,* 460n; local 23 (Dayton, Ohio), 459-60, 461n

Bimetallic League, 508, 509n

Bimetallic League of Shelby County, Tenn., Central, 40-41

Bismarck, Otto von, 68, 70n

Bjork, Daniel, 194, 195n

Black, David, 273-74, 275n

Blackman, William,* 463n

Blacksmiths, International Brotherhood of, 3:*, 127n

Blackstone, William, 40

Black workers: AFL and, 4, 7n, 126, 130, 213, 406-8, 408-9n; Atlanta textile workers and, 427n; SG and, 26, 130, 213, 220, 317, 317n, 318, 334, 406, 408n, 430-31; Iron Molders and, 314-16, 317n, 317-18, 324, 334; Locomotive Firemen and, 125-26, 213; McGuire, Peter J., and, 430; Machinists, International Association of, and, 4, 130, 213; and miners' strike (1897), 351-52

Blaete, Henry, 57

Bliss, William D. P., 50n

Bloch, Henry S., 340, 340n

Bloch, H. S., and Co., 340, 340n

Block, George G.,* 152, 155n

Block, H. S. See Bloch, Henry S.

Block, H. S., and Co. See Bloch, H. S., and Co.

Blood, D. H., 481

Blount, Henry P., 24n; letter to, 23-24

Blum, Nicholas, 238, 239n

Boden, J., 57

Bogert, John N., 56, 57n

Bohm, Ernest,* 16n, 102; letter from, 16; letter to, 17-18

Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders of America, Brotherhood of,* 127n, 177n; convention: 1896 (Cleveland), 177, 177n, 179n

Bomeisl, Bernard, 461, 462n

Bonsall, A. M., 374

Boot and Shoe Workers' Union,* 95, 97n, 99; conventions: 1896 (Boston), 185, 188n; 1897 (Boston), 340-41, 342n; and KOL, 187-88; and socialists, 185-88, 340-41

Boston Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 145n, 148, 169, 189-91, 216

Bourse du travail (Paris), 3:370n, 63, 68-69, 90

Bousch, J. E. See Bausch, Jacob E.

Bowen, George W., 175, 175n

Boyce, Edward,* 192n, 254-56, 266, 323, 463n; and Leadville strike, 254-56, 258n; and sectional division of American labor movement, 304-5, 313, 385-86; and Western Labor Union, 257, 452, 452n, 462; letters from, 192, 304-5, 313; letters to, 297-99, 308-12

Boycotts: AFL and, 84; Allegheny Co., Pa., breweries (1896), 145n; American Tobacco Co. (1895), 117n; Armour (1896- ), 286; Bloch, H. S., and Co., (1896-97), 340, 340n; Brown Tobacco Co. (1898), 394, 395n; Cincinnati Brewing Co. (1897), 402-4; Cincinnati Brewing Co. (1898), 404n; coal, West Virginia (1898), 345n, 503, 505n; Detroit Stove Works (1896), 227-29, 229n; Eastmans Co. (1896), 231n; Fauber, W. H., Co. (1898), 500, 501n; Hackett, Carhart, and Co. (1894-95), 20, 21n; Shelby Steel Tube Co. (1898-99), 485n

Bradley, John, 294n

Bramwood, John W.,* 195, 196n, 205

Bray, George L., 188, 189n

Bremer, Alexander H. W.,* 397-98, 399n

Brennan, Walter A., 39, 42n

Brennock, James, 415, 416n

Brewery Workmen of the U.S., National Union of the United,* 80, 82n, 99; jurisdiction of, 329-30, 403-4; and KOL, 83, 145n, 222-23, 331-32; local 19 (Albany, N.Y.), 222-23, 223n; local 22 (Allegheny Co., Pa.), 145n; local 34 (Troy, N.Y.), 222-23, 223n; local 83 (Hamilton, Ohio), 399-400, 400n, 401-4, 404n; local 129 (Albany, N.Y.), 223n

Bricklayers' and Masons' International Union of America, 3:*; local 21 (Chicago), 159n

Bricklayers and Stonemasons, United Order of American, 157, 158-59n, 162, 162n

Brinkman (cigarmaker). See Brückmann, Englebert

Brooklyn, Socialist Labor Federation of, 98n, 105, 106n

Brower, William L., 102, 106n

Brown, James, 131n

Brown, J. C., 166, 166n

Brown, J. F.: letter to, 130

Brown, Morris, 3:143n, 57

Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machine Co., 178n

Brown Tobacco Co., 394, 395n

Brückmann, Englebert, 1:251n, 72, 75n

Bryan, William Jennings, 179n, 185n, 233-34, 234n, 235, 249n

Buchanan, Joseph R., 3:*, 3, 249n

Building Trades Alliance, Structural, 417n

Building Trades Council of America, National, 183n, 416, 416-17n; AFL and, 416, 417n; conventions: 1897 (Nashville), 416, 417n; 1898 (Kansas City, Mo.), 416, 417n

Building trades councils, 182

Burns, John E.,* 12, 15n, 18, 66

Bushe, J. F., 399n

Bushway, Fred M., 57

Butchers, organization of, 286-87

Butcher Workmen of North America, Amalgamated Meat Cutters and,* 286, 287n

Byer, George, 286, 287n


Ca' canny, 246-47, 249n

Cahill, Thomas P.,* 431, 432n; letter from, 447-48

Cahill Iron Works, 315, 317n

Caldwell, Alonzo B., 331n; letter to, 330-31

Camera del Lavoro (Chamber of Labor), 244n

Canada, Trades and Labor Congress of, 471, 471n

Canada, Trades and Labor Congress of the Dominion of, 471, 471n

Canadian Labor Congress, 471n

Cane, McCaffrey, and Co., 30, 30n

Cannon, Frank J., 507, 509n

Capitalist system: SG views on, 44, 47-48

Capital punishment, 85

Capitol Commission, New (New York state), 16n

Carders' Union (New Bedford, Mass.), 428, 429n, 477

Carey, P. W., 58, 58n

Carless, Harry, 103, 106n

Carnegie Steel Co., 492, 499n, 500

Carney, William A.,* 241, 242n

Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated Society of, 2:*; local 683 (Washington, D.C.), 285, 285n

Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of,* 95, 97n, 99, 341, 351, 450, 451n; convention: 1896 (Cleveland), 263n; local 11 (Cleveland), 451n; local 39 (Cleveland), 451n; local 108 (Lynn, Mass.), 187-88, 189n; local 190 (Washington, D.C.), 2:71n, 285, 285n; local 398 (Cleveland), 451n; local 449 (Cleveland), 451n; local 563 (Scranton, Pa.), 260, 262, 263n

Carpenters' local 1 (Washington, D.C.), 2:71n, 170, 171n

Carrick, Michael P.,* 346, 347n, 359n, 372-73, 374-75n, 380, 416

Carroll, Edward M.,* 416, 417n

Carroll, Michael J., 3:465n, 144

Carter, Frederick S., 306-7, 308n

Carter, William S.,* 127n; letter from, 124-27

Cavanaugh, Hugh, 1:*, 123, 124n

Central bodies: affiliation of locals in, AFL and, 189-91, 191n, 380-81

Chalmers, Andrew, 196, 197n

Chambre syndicale des verriers de Carmaux, 77n

Chance, George,* 379n, 383n, 388n, 452

Chattanooga Central Labor Union, 315, 317n

Chicago, Trade and Labor Assembly of, 1:166n, 80, 158, 159n, 176, 177n, 269

Chicagoer Arbeiter-Zeitung, editor of the: letter to, 161-62

Chicago Federation of Labor, 159n, 177n, 269, 381, 382n; meeting of, 469-70

Chicago Trade and Labor Congress, 158, 159n, 176, 177n

Child labor, 27, 48, 60, 100, 113, 167, 232

Childs-Drexel Home for Union Printers, 369, 371n

China: SG and, 27, 36-37, 52

"Chinee-izing": SG and, 434, 484

Chinese, exclusion of: SG and, 488

Chinese workers, 126, 342, 409n;

Christofferson, Mr. See Christopherson, Elias S.

Christopherson, Elias S., 208, 209n, 269, 272n

Churchill, Lord Randolph, 100, 101n

Cigarmakers, organization of, 76

Cigar Makers' International Union of America,* 10, 12, 15n, 72-74, 95, 132-33n, 149-51, 341, 474; conventions: 1881 (Cleveland), 1:245n, 150; 1893 (Milwaukee), 3:402n, 152-53; 1896 (Detroit), 179, 180n, 194, 219, 236-39 (news accounts of), 248-49; and Dampf, Meyer, 18, 54; local 14 (Chicago), 1:139n, 159n; local 22 (Detroit), 177n; local 44 (St. Louis), 340n; local 65 (Lynn, Mass.), 187, 189n; local 90 (New York City), 2:371n, 72, 74, 150-51; local 100 (Philadelphia), 1:359n, 75n, 115; local 141 (New York City), 1:380n, 219, 219n; local 144 (New York City), 1:46, 10, 12, 15n, 179, 194, 474, 476n, 502; local 165 (Philadelphia), 75n; local 281 (St. Louis), 340n; local 284 (Detroit), 177n; local 293 (Philadelphia), 75n; officers of, 77, 77n, 107, 108n, 114-15; vice-presidency, SG and, 77, 77n, 107, 108n, 114-15; SG and, 10, 12, 18, 54, 72-74, 179, 180n, 194, 219, 236-39, 248-49

Cigar Makers Official Journal, editor of the: letters to, 72-77

Cincinnati Arbeiter-Zeitung, 176

Cincinnati Brewing Co., 399-400, 400n, 401-4, 404n

Cincinnati Central Labor Council, 1:212n, 176

Circle Check System, 261-63, 263-64n

Civil War, 59

Clark, Edgar E.,* 273, 275n

Clark, Edward E. See Clark, Edgar E.

Clark, Ephraim W., 3:119n, 322

Class divisions in American society: SG and, 26, 35-36, 39-40, 44, 366-68, 422-23

Clerks' National Protective Association of America, Retail,* 174n, 502

Cleveland, Grover, 2:127n, 14, 40, 69, 284n

Cleveland, trade unionism in, 450, 451n

Cleveland Central Labor Union, 1:166n, 3:403n, 177, 354-55, 449-51, 451n

Cleveland Citizen, 449-51, 451n

Clifford, Patrick H.,* 255-56, 266, 268n

Clothing Contractors' Protective Association, 206-7n

Clothing Cutters' and Trimmers' Union (Boston), 190

Coach and Cab Drivers, Liberty Dawn Association of, 110n

Collective bargaining, 472. See also SG, mediation of industrial disputes; SG views: conciliation

Collins, J. J., 20

Collins, S., 57

Columbus (Ohio) Trades and Labor Assembly, 5, 81, 82n

Commissary stores: SG and, 27, 440-41

Conciliation: SG views on, 28, 38, 165-66, 472

Conn, C. G., 286n

Connelly, Mr. See Connolly, Thomas F.

Connolly, Thomas F.,* 433, 435n, 448, 449n

Connor, Washington E., 351, 351n

Conrad, Jacob, 401, 404n

Contracts: SG and, 212, 332

Convict labor: SG views on, 40

Cook and Bernheimer, 218n

Co-operative Commonwealth, National, 323, 324n, 341, 342n, 360. See also Social Democracy of America

Co-operative Packing Co., 342

Coopers' International Union of North America,* 223n; jurisdiction, 329-30; local 7 (Albany, N.Y.), 222-23, 223n; local 89 (Boston), 330, 330n; local 94 (Chicago), 329-30, 330n

Corey, William E., 492, 500n

Coronado mine (Leadville, Colo.), 254

Cosgrove, Joseph T., 314n; letter to, 314

Costello, P., 118n

Counahan, Michael J.,* 346, 347n, 359n

Courtney, James E., 425-26, 427n

Cowey, Edward,* 90, 91n, 103, 106n

Cox, Jacob A., 481n; letter to, 480-81

Cramp, Charles H., 490-91, 499n, 500

Cramp, Wm., and Sons' Ship and Engine Building Co., 490-91, 499n

Creamer, James J.,* 79, 79-80n, 98-99, 99n

Croker, Richard, 64, 65n

Crosby, Ernest H., 349, 349n, 351

Crosby, Thomas, 410, 411n, 414

Crowley, Thomas F., 57, 57n

Crowley, Timothy M.,* 239, 241, 241n

Crown Cork and Seal Co., 319-20

Cuba, 132, 132-33n, 273-74, 409-11, 464-65, 469

Cuban Assembly Commission, 133n

Cuban Revolutionary Party, 132-33n; letter to the officers and members of the, 132

Cunnane, William, 477, 478n

Cunningham, Cornelius, 463-64, 465n, 466-68

Cuno, Theodore F., 339, 339n

Currency reform: AFL and, 326, 328


Dampf, Meyer, 1:438n, 18, 18n, 54

Dampf, Rose (Mrs. Meyer Dampf), 54

Danbury Hat Manufacturers' Association, 106n

Darrow, Clarence, 2:*, 45n

Dawley, William L.,* 79, 79n

Debs, Eugene V.,* 64, 65n, 178, 387-88, 392, 392-93n, 453n; and Co-operative Commonwealth, 323, 324n, 342n, 369, 377-78, 379n; and Leadville strike, 256, 385-86; and miners' strike (1897), 345n, 352-53, 357, 359-60n, 365, 372, 379n; SG and, 72, 178, 387-88, 392

Declaration of Independence: SG and, 25-26, 35, 45, 301

DeLeon, Daniel,* 11, 15n, 188-89n, 239, 305-7, 307n, 367, 437-38, 439n, 473, 476; SG and, 437-38; and Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 98n, 103, 106n, 135

DeLong, Charles J., 280, 281n

Demuth (friend), 136

Dennis, Jere, 232n; letter to, 231-32

Denver Trades and Labor Assembly, 2:288n; meetings of, 195-96, 205

Depew, Chauncey M., 2:338n, 64

Depression of 1893, 3:363-66, 14, 46, 112-13

Derflinger, William F., 56, 57n

Dernell, John C., 452, 453n

Derossi, Karl, 134, 137n, 149-55

Desmerais, John S., 57, 57n

Detroit Stove Works, 227-28, 229n

Dewar, Ewen J., 245, 246n

Dewey, George, 466n

Dicus, Thomas J., 373-74, 375n

Dilke, Lady Emilia, 32, 33n

Dingley, Nelson, 329n

Dingley Tariff. See Legislation, U.S.: Dingley Tariff

Direct legislation: SG and, 235

Distribution of wealth: SG and, 71, 210

"Divide the Day" (Jones), 394

Dodge, Grace H., 33, 33n

Dodge, Una. See Dodge, Grace H.

Dohner, John H., 460, 461n

Dolan, Patrick, 346-47, 347n, 359n, 365; letter to, 363-64

Dominion Trades and Labor Congress, 471n

Donath, August, 285n; letter from, 284-85

Donnelly, Michael J.,* 287n; letter from, 286-87

Donnelly, Mr. (cotton spinner). See O'Donnell, Thomas

Donnelly, T. G. See Donnelly, Thomas J.

Donnelly, Thomas J., 123, 124n, 274, 275n

"Do Not Blame Me If I Sigh" (O'Donnell), 391-92, 392n

Dower, George W.,* 471, 471n

Doyle, Peter F.,* 410, 411n

Drew, Mr., 508

Dreyfus, Alfred, 70n

Dual organizations, AFL and, 83, 84n

Dublin Trades Council, 50n, 88-89, 91n

Dues, union: SG and, 100-101, 448

Duggan, Michael,* 432n, 433, 435n

Duggan, Patrick W., 190, 191n

Duncan, James,* 97n, 270-72, 272n, 288, 508-9; as AFL Executive Council member, 4, 66n, 239-41, 266-67, 321-23, 327-28, 338; elected AFL vice-president, 95 (1895), 278n (1896), 414n (1897); mediation of industrial dispute, 319-20; mediation of trade union dispute, 148; testimony before Congress, 452, 500; letters to, 481-83, 507-9

Dunn, William T., 469, 470n


Easley, Ralph M.,* 506n; letter to, 505-6

East India Matting Factory, 139

Eastmans Co., 229-30, 230-31n

Eaton, Horace M.,* 188n; letter from, 185-88

Edmonston, Gabriel,* 288n; letter to, 288

Education: SG and, 101, 113

Edwards, James C., 57, 57n

Eight-hour movement: AFL and, 92, 100, 116, 157-58, 321, 323n; SG and, 100, 111, 116, 157-58, 393-94

Einstein, Edwin, 3:18n, 224, 225n

Elderkin, Thomas J.,* 83, 84n, 405, 405n

Election campaigns, 1896, 185n; AFL and, 239-41, 268-72, 275-78; SG and, 131, 178, 179n, 183-85, 195-96, 217, 217n, 221, 233-35, 240-41, 247

Electrical Workers of America, National Brotherhood of,* 171n; local 26 (Washington, D.C.), 170, 171n

Elliott, John T.,* 84n, 144, 145n, 148, 454-55, 504

Ellis, Mr., 460

Elm, Johann Adolph von,* 137n, 193; letters to, 133-37, 155-57

Emmet mine (Leadville, Colo.), 255

Employers, liability of: SG and, 113

Emrich, Henry,* 152, 155n

Engels, Friedrich, 2:150n, 104, 339n, 474-75

Erdman, Constantine, 142n

Erdman Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Erdman Act

Estes, Fred J., 250-51, 251n

Evans, Christopher,* 353, 353n, 366, 378

Evans, E. Lewis,* 395n

Expansionism: SG views on, 482


Fabian socialism, 50n

Fahey, Charles P., 407, 408n

Fahey, John, 383n

Fairchild, Charles F., 304n

Fairview, Florence, 15, 16n

Falligant, Louis A., 21-22, 22n

Fanz, Henry J., 416, 417n

Fauber, W. H., Co., 500, 501n

Fear, Charles W., 466n

Fédération du verre (French glassworkers' union), 77n

Fédération française des travailleurs du livre (French typographical union), 2:108n, 90

Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the U.S. and Canada: convention: 1885 (Washington, D.C.), 3:580n, 141n

Feeney, Edward, 3:340n, 57

Fell, Daniel A., Jr., 442-44, 446n

Finnie, Jennie: letter to, 173-74

Finzer, John, and Bros., 394, 395n

Fischer, Henry,* 395n; letter from, 394-95

Fisher, Robert, 507n; letter to, 506-7

Fitzgerald, Thomas D., 414, 416n

Fitzpatrick, John, 30, 30n

Fitzpatrick, Patrick F.,* 123, 124n

Fitzpatrick, Val, 359n

Fleming, Robert P., 343, 344n

Flemming (friend). See Fleming, Robert P.

Flint Glass Workers' Union of North America, American,* 472, 473n; convention: 1898 (Zanesville, Ohio), 503, 505n

Foraker, Joseph B., 337, 338n, 343n

Ford, Sheridan, 118, 119n

Foresters, Independent Order of, 330-31, 331n; court 1050 (Syracuse, N.Y.), 330, 331n

Foster, Frank K.,* 9, 9n

FOTLU. See Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the U.S. and Canada

Fox, Martin,* 79, 80n, 123, 315, 317n, 324, 472; letter from, 324-25; letter to, 334

France: 41; organized labor in, SG and, 62-63, 68, 90

Franz, A. J. See Fanz, Henry J.

Frick, Henry C., 3:68n, 492

Friedenwald, Joseph, 319-20

Frye, William P., 323n

Fulton Bag and Cotton Mill Co., 427n

Furniture Workers' Union of America, International,* 8n, 155n

Furuseth, Andrew,* 91-92, 93n, 283, 462; and Cuba, 274, 275n, 410; and Hawaii, annexation of, 405, 406n; lobbying of, 113n, 142n, 452; letter from, 172; letters to, 141-43, 382-83, 389-91


Gage, Lyman J., 3:*, 419n; letter from, 417-19; letter to, 421-25

Gage bill. See Legislation, U.S.: Gage financial bill

Gallagher, Daniel J., 2:28n, 379n

Gallagher, Peter W., 373, 375n

Galveston Labor Council, 38n

Gardner, John J., 329, 329n, 453n

Garland, Mahlon M.,* 97n, 240-41, 266-67, 281, 281n, 321-23, 413, 414n; election to AFL vice-presidency, 95 (1895), 278n (1896), 414n (1897); and miners' strike (1897), 345, 359n

Garman, John M., 444, 446n

Garment Worker, editor of the: letter to, 29-30

Garment Workers of America, United,* 20, 21n, 99, 135-36, 137n, 147-48, 148-49n; SG trip in behalf of (1895), 19-20, 20-21n, 21-49

Garner, Mr. See Gardner, John J.

Garrick, M. P. See Carrick, Michael P.

Garrison, William Lloyd, 406, 408n

Garside, Thomas H., 367, 368n

Gelson, James,* 6-7, 96, 97n

General Commission of the German Trade Unions. See Generalkommission der Gewerkschaften Deutschlands

Generalkommission der Gewerkschaften Deutschlands, 134, 137n

Genesse Brewing Co., 332

George, Annie Fox (Mrs. Henry George), 393n; letter to, 393

George, Henry, 3:*, 49n, 392, 392n, 393

George, John E., 473n; letter to, 472-73

German Trades Unions, Congress of (Berlin, 1896), 136, 137n, 193

Germany: organized labor in, SG and, 62, 68, 90; SG and, 41, 306; socialist party in (see Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein [1:43n], Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartie [1:43n], Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands; Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands [1:43n]

Gill, Frank H., 480n; letter to, 479-80

Gladden, Washington, 45n

Glass Bottle Blowers' Association of the U.S. and Canada,*, 505n; convention: 1898 (Muncie, Ind.), 503, 505n

Glenn, S. B., 407, 409n

Godchaux, Leon, 30

Gold standard: AFL and, 417-19, 421-25; SG and, 422-25

Goldstein, I., 219n

Goldwater, Samuel,* 479n; letter to, 478-79

Gompers, Abraham J.,* 198-99, 199n, 296, 297n; letter to, 199-200

Gompers, Alexander,* 502n; letter to, 501-2

Gompers, Alexander J.,* 199, 200n

Gompers, Emanuel, 1:*, 50n

Gompers, Florence, 175n, 197; letter to, 174-75

Gompers, Louis,* 502, 502n

Gompers, Sadie J.,* 56, 57n, 199, 502

Gompers, Samuel: addresses, 21-22, 24-28, 30-42, 45-49, 59-60, 108-10, 301-4, 432-39, 469-70; addresses mentioned, 76, 106n, 149n, 161-62, 162n, 176-77, 465n; AFL presidential elections: 1894, 9, 78, 389; 1895, 6-7, 9, 78-79, 82, 94-99, 134, 390; 1896, 278n; 1897, 414n; 1897, 390-91; article by, 439-45; charges against, 275-78; circulars, 119-21, 183-85, 340; correspondence of, xiv-xv; description of, 25, 70, 110; editorials, 128-29, 145-47, 360-62, 366-68, 473-76; finances, 198-99, 202-3, 203n, 226-27; illnesses of: 1895, 39, 42-43, 49, 54; 1896, xiv, xxin, 116, 118-19, 128, 132-33, 138, 141, 144, 160; interviews, 22-23, 61-63, 64-68, 70-72, 99-101, 110-13, 157-58, 464-65; nominations for political office, 152-53, 155n; poem dedicated to, 295, 296n; report by, 85-91; statement, 344-45; temperament of, 247; testimony, 489-99; Trades Union Congress of Great Britain, delegate to (1895), 50, 50n, 53, 55, 58-60, 66, 85-91, 508; work schedule of, xiv-xv, 177, 179, 247;

--trips: Europe (1895), 50, 50n, 52-53, 55-63, 66, 85-91, 193; South and Midwest (1895), 19-20, 20-21n, 21-49, 52, 167; Midwest (1896), 176-77, 177n; Northern Michigan (1896), 193-94; Northeast (Apr. 1896), 142n, 143-44, 148, 155, 157-58, 160, 169; Northeast (Aug. 1896), 206-7; Peoria, Ill. (1896), 168; Streator, Ill. (1896), 198; Midwest (1897), 296, 297n; mining region (1897), 365, 366n; New York (1897), 331-33; Northeast (1897), 386, 388n; Midwest (May-June 1898), 503, 505n; Northeast and Midwest (Apr. 1898), 460, 461n, 463-65, 465n, 466-70

Gompers, Samuel J.,* 175n, 197; letters to, 174-75, 197-98

Gompers, Sophia Dampf (Mrs. Samuel J. Gompers),* 174, 175n, 198; letter to, 174-75

Gompers, Sophia Julian (Mrs. SG),* 56, 57n, 144, 160, 169, 194, 199, 432, 502

Government savings banks: AFL and, 92

Grady, Michael R., 157, 159n

Great Britain: organized labor in, SG and, 10-11, 61-64, 67, 85-89, 100; SG and, 41

Greeley, Horace, 1:446n, 68

Greenawalt, Elmer E., 3:*, 108n

Greene, Prince W.,* 335, 335-36n, 426, 428

Greenman, Leon, 236, 238n

Griscom, William S., 316n, 324, 334; letter from, 314-16; letter to, 317-18

Grove, Ernest J., 25, 28n

Grundy, Thomas, 374, 375n


Hackett, Carhart, and Co.: campaign against, 19-20, 20-21n, 21-49, 57n

Hahn, Charles F., 181, 182n

Hamburger Echo, editor of the: letter to, 149-55

Hamburg Trades Council, 50n

Hamilton (Ohio) Trades and Labor Council, 400n, 402

Hancock, James T., 436-37, 439, 439n

Hand-in-Hand Benevolent Society, 56, 57n, 138

Hanna, Marcus A., 221, 221-22n, 240

Hanson, Morris, 294n

Harlan, John Marshall, 293, 294n

Harlan and Hollingsworth Co., 499n

Harper, Thomas W., 293, 294n

Harris, Daniel,* 15, 16n, 57, 222; letter to, 219

Harris, George W., 391n

Hart, Lee M.,* 122n; letter to, 121-22

Hart, Matthew, 449n

Harvey, James F., 416, 417n

Harvey, William H., 371n

Hatters of North America, United,* 140-41, 141n, 389n

Hawaii, annexation of, 405, 405n, 487-88, 488-89n; SG and, 487-88

Hawkins, William M., 480n

Hay, John, 133n

Hayes, Max S.,* 450, 451n

Healey, Martin, 57, 57n

Healy, John P., 416, 417n

Hebrew Trades, United, 3:355n, 97n, 105

Heimerdinger, David S., 10-12, 15, 15n, 236

Herbert, Hilary A., 181, 182n

Hexagon Labor Club, 57n

Heywood, Charles, 396n

Hibernians, Ancient Order of, 261, 264n

Hill, David B., 3:*, 113n, 143, 143n, 153, 323n

Hine, Mr. See Hynes, William F.

Hirsch, Edward, 319, 320n

Hoehn, G. A., 2:*, 339n; letter to, 338-39

Hoffman, Edward: letter to, 165-66

Holden v. Hardy, 452, 453n, 492

Holmes, David,* 66, 70n

Homestead strike, 3:189n, 387, 419, 492, 500n

Hoops, driving (tightening) of, 330, 330n

Horseshoers of the U.S. and Canada, International Union of Journeymen,* 99, 99n

Hotel and Restaurant Employees' National Alliance,* 270-71, 272n, 381; local 40 (Chicago), 381, 382n

Hours of labor. See Workday

Howard, Robert,* 204n; letter to, 250-51

Howland, Henry E., 304n

Huberwald, Florence F., 31, 33n

Huges, J. M. See Hughes, James F.

Hughes, James F.,* 346, 347n

Hynes, William F., 292, 294n


Ihmsen (delegate). See Imerson, Thomas H.

Illinois State Federation of Labor, 2:202n, 268, 271

Imerson, Thomas H., 10, 12, 15, 15n

Immigration: restriction of, AFL and, 243, 244n, 283-84, 284n, 412-13, 413-14n; SG and, 242-44, 488

Income Tax Act. See Legislation, U.S., Income Tax Act

Industrial disputes, mediation of: SG and, 167n, 176-77, 229-30, 230-31n, 319-20, 332, 340, 394, 395n, 399-400, 400n, 401-4, 404n, 456-60, 460-61n, 483-85, 500, 501n

Industrial Workers of the World, 98n, 453n

Industry: relocation of, SG and, 138-40

Ingersoll, Robert G., 2:184n, 498, 500n

Injunctions: AFL and, 100; limitation of, SG and, 112-13

Interstate Commerce Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Interstate Commerce Act

Iron and Steel Workers of the U.S., Amalgamated Association of,* 95, 97n, 99, 472, 490-91, 499n

Iron Molders' Union of North America,* 79, 80n, 99, 228-29, 325n, 341, 472; and black workers, 314-17, 317n, 318, 324, 334; local 31 (Detroit), 228, 229n; local 53 (Chattanooga), 317n; local 103 (Lynn, Mass.), 187, 189n; local 286 (Sheboygan, Wis.), 325n

Italy: organized labor in, SG and, 242


Jablinowski, Ludwig, 2:*, 236, 237n, 239

Jackson, H. R., 359n

Jackson, John J., 360n, 365

Jahelka, John, 3:18n, 224, 225n

Japan: SG and, 53

Jaurès, Jean, 69, 70n

Jefferson Borden mutiny, 3:119n, 322

Jenkins, John H., 59, 60n

Jensen, Sofus, 342n, 363; letter to, 342

Jingoism: SG and, 108, 145-47, 302, 482

Johnson, Jesse,* 357, 359n, 360n, 408n

Jones, Edward, 442, 446n

Jones, Evans. See Jones, Edward

Jones, George C., 481, 481n

Jones, James K., 276-77, 278n

Jones, Luther C., 406-7, 408n-9n

Jones, Samuel I., 25, 28n

Jones, Samuel M., 394n; letter to, 393-94

Jones, Theodore S.,* 416, 417n

Judge, Michael T., 25, 28n

Jumel, Eliza B., 175, 175n; estate of, 174-75, 175-76n

Junio, John J.,* 12, 15, 15n, 249n

Jurisdictional disputes: Jurisdictional disputes: AFL and, 177n, 453-55; AFL Executive Council and, 177n, 453-56, 456n; SG and, 121-22, 144, 145n, 148, 158, 159n, 169, 176-77, 177n, 227-29, 329-30, 403-4, 431, 432n, 447-49, 449n, 453-56, 504
--Brewery Workmen of the U.S., National Union of the United (NUUBW), vs. Coopers' International Union of North America, 329-30; NUUBW local 22 vs. KOL local assembly 92 (Allegheny Co., Pa.), 144, 145n; brewery workers, 403-4
--Granite Cutters' National Union of the U.S. of A. vs. marble and freestone cutters (Baltimore), 481-82, 483n
--Machinists' Union of America, International, local 28 vs. Machinists, International Association of, local 264 (Boston), 144, 144-45n, 148, 169
--textile workers, 431, 432n, 447-49, 449n
--Theatrical Stage Employes of the U.S., National Alliance of, vs. musicians' unions (St. Louis), 121-22, 122-23n


Kansas City (Mo.) Industrial Council, 287, 287n

Katz, Rudolph, 10, 12, 15, 15n

Kelly, James T.,* 171n, 324n; letter to, 170-71

Kenehan, Roady,* 195, 197n, 267, 280, 281n, 282, 407, 409n, 413

Kennedy, John L., 3:120n, 197, 198n

Kerr, Nathaniel B., 434-35, 435n

Kershner. See Kirchner, Emil; Kirchner, John S.

Kessler (foreman), 485

Khapetsky (delegate). See Klapetzky, William E.

Kidd, Thomas I.,* 270, 272n, 410, 411n; letter from, 379-81

Kinsella, William L., 448, 449n

Kirchner, Emil, 102, 106n, 118

Kirchner, John S.,* 119, 119n

Kirwan, Daniel M., 300n; letter to, 300

Klapetzky, William E.,* 80, 82n, 95, 407

Knights of Labor, 104-5, 170; and AFL, 3, 19, 123-24, 140- 41, 332-33, 333n, 356; and Boot and Shoe Workers' Union, 187-88; and Brewery Workmen of the U.S., National Union of the United, 83, 145n, 222-23, 331-32; and CMIU, 151; and Garment Workers of America, United, 20; SG and, 19-20; Theatrical Stage Employes of the U.S., National Alliance of, 123n
--district assemblies (DA): DA 36, 187, 189n; DA 49, 1:383n, 11, 15n, 97n, 105, 106n; DA 75, 94n --general assembly: 1896 (Rochester), 286n
--local assemblies (LA): LA 92, 145n; LA 952, 381, 382n; LA 1644, 285, 286n; LA 1748, 285, 285n; LA 3662, 188, 189n; LA 4333, 223, 223n; LA 5938, 123n; LA 7789, 57n; LA 8546, 222, 223n; LA 9426, 222-23
--national trade assembly (NTA): NTA 35, 83, 84n

Kohler, Haysen, and Stehn Manufacturing Co., 325n

KOL. See Knights of Labor

Krchov, Anton, 219n

Kreft, Ernst, 410, 411n, 415

Krepp, Ernest. See Kreft, Ernst

Kreyling, David, 148n

Kunzler, J., 359n

Kurzenknabe, Ernst,* 223n; letters to, 222-23, 264-66

Kyle, James H., 489, 492, 499n, 507-8


Labadie, Joseph A.,* 180n; letter to, 179-80

Label, union. See Union label

Labor: goals of, SG and, 48, 60, 162, 174, 493

Labor Conference for the Relief of the Unemployed (New York City), 3:364, 152-53

Labor conferences: 1894 (New York City), 11-12, 15n; 1897 (Chicago), 256, 370, 371n, 374, 376, 383-88, 390-91; 1897 (St. Louis), 369-71, 371n, 371-74, 374n, 379n, 382-83, 390-91, 391n; 1898 (Boston), 431, 432n, 448. See also Miners' strike (1897): Columbus conference; Pittsburgh conference; Wheeling conference

Laborers' International Protective Union of America, Building,* 117-18, 118n; convention: 1896 (Holyoke, Mass.), 117, 118n

Labor movement: and churches, SG views on, 200-202; divisions in: sectional, SG and, 297-99, 310-12, 385, 452, 462-63, 479-80, 486-87; politics, SG and, 62, 67-68, 75-76, 89-90, 183-85

Labor Press of America, Associated, 389-90, 391n

Lacey, Thomas, 118, 119n

Lattimer massacre, 376, 376-77n, 380, 381-82n, 383, 387, 388n, 439, 441-42, 444-45, 464; trial, 377n, 387, 388n, 439-40, 442-45, 446n

Laughran, P. Frank, 387, 388n

Leadville strike, 245-46, 246n, 253-56, 257n, 259, 266, 297, 304, 309, 323, 385; AFL and, 255, 257-58n, 259, 259n, 266-67, 268n, 279, 297-98, 304, 309

Lee, Frank W., 196, 197n

Legein, Carl. See Legien, Carl

Legien, Carl,* 136-37, 137n

Legislation, state: AFL and, 453n; SG and, 113, 231-32, 234
--Alabama: eight-hour law for women and children (1887), 27, 28-29n, 232
--Illinois: employer liability laws (1891, 1895), 231, 233n
--Massachusetts: election law (1889), 231-32, 233n; employer liability law (1894), 231, 232n; fifty-eight hour law (1892), 3:283n, 435
--New York: contract convict labor law, 231, 233n; election law (1891), 231-32, 233n; employer liability law, 231, 233n; lien law (1895), 231, 233n
--Ohio: employer liability laws (1888, 1890) 231, 233n
--Utah: eight-hour law (1896), 452, 453n, 491-92

Legislation, U.S.: AFL and, 112, 113n, 143, 143n, 144, 172, 273, 283, 292-93, 321-22, 325-29, 337-38, 338n, 417-19, 421-25, 452; SG and, 113, 142, 142n, 143-47, 234, 268n, 293, 295, 296n, 337-38, 338n, 343, 417-19, 421-25, 452, 487-99, 499n, 500-501, 503-4, 505n, 507-8
--antipooling legislation, 337, 338n, 343, 343n
--antitrust legislation, 321, 324n; Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 26, 28n, 35, 324n, 337-38, 338n; bill to amend, H.R. 2808 (1897), 343, 343n
--arbitration legislation: H.R. 8556 (1895), 142, 142n, 273, 275n, 283, 292-93, 295, 296n; Erdman Act (1898), 142n
--coast defense bill, S. 1159 (1896), 145-46, 147n
--contempt bills: S. 2984 (1896), 112, 113n, 323-24n; H.R. 2471 (1897), 321, 323-24n
--Dingley Tariff (1897), 329, 329n
--eight-hour legislation: Act of 1892, 3:405n, 336; S. 2705 (1896), 143, 143n; H.R. 7939 (1896), 143, 143n, 172; H.R. 7389 (1898), 452, 453n, 489-99, 499n, 500-501, 503-4, 505n, 507-8
--Erdman Act (1898), 142n
--Gage financial bill, H.R. 5181 (1897), 417-19, 419n, 421-25
--Income Tax Act (1894), 3:548n, 36, 38n
--immigration legislation: Lodge-Corliss bill (1896), 283, 284n, 412
--Interstate Commerce Act (1887), 3:301n, 26, 35, 338n; bill to amend, S. 1479 (1897), 337, 338n, 343, 343n
--Lodge-Corliss bill (1896), 283, 284n, 412
--Maguire Act (1895), 294n
--seamen's legislation: Maguire Act (1895), 294n; H.R. 6399 (1896), 321, 323n
--Sherman Antitrust Act (1890), 26, 28n, 35, 324n, 337-38, 338n; bill to amend, H.R. 2808 (1897), 343, 343n
--Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890), 3:375n, 14
--silver purchase law (1890), 3:375n, 14
--tariff legislation: Dingley Tariff (1897), 329, 329n; Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894), 3:554n, 36, 38n --Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894), 3:554n, 36, 38n

Lenahan, John T., 440, 444, 446n

Lennon, John A., 377, 379n

Lennon, John B.,* 82, 82n, 97, 106n, 127n, 270, 272n, 281, 357, 359n, 377; as AFL Executive Council member, 4, 7n, 240-41, 266-67, 321-23; elected AFL treasurer, 95 (1895), 278n (1896), 414n (1897); letters to, 171-72, 207-9

Lennon, Thomas, 57

Leonard, James, 3:243-44n, 343

Leonard, William, 123

Lester, John A., 431n; letter to, 430-31

Lester, William, 57, 57n

Leveling, C. J., 416, 417n

Levin, Abraham, 136, 137n

Levy, Myles J. K., 262, 264n

Lewis, J. Harry, 468, 468n

Lewis, T. L., 359n

Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 2:159n, 68

Lincoln, Abraham, 434

Linderman, Robert P., 490-91, 499n

Linehan, James J., 3:86n, 51, 93, 94n, 99, 99n, 157, 217n; letter to, 225-26

Littlewood, Herbert,* 250, 251n

Liverpool Trades Council, 88, 91n

Living wage. See Minimum wage

Lloyd, George K., 3:300n, 109

Lloyd, Henry,* 50, 50n, 249n, 370, 432n; at AFL 1896 convention, 271, 272n, 283; at AFL 1897 convention, 406-7, 408n, 412, 417n

Local unions, affiliation of, with nationals: AFL and, 189-91, 191n, 380-81

Lockouts: SG and, 47

Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of,* 273, 275n

Locomotive Firemen, Brotherhood of,* 124-27, 127n, 213, 273; conventions: 1894 (Harrisburg, Pa.), 125, 127n; 1896 (Galveston, Tex.), 125, 127n; letter to the members of the, 211-16

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 145, 147n

Lodge-Corliss bill. See Legislation, U.S.: Lodge-Corliss bill

Loeb, Daniel. See DeLeon, Daniel

Loebenberg, Abraham B., 3:*, 208, 209n

Long, John D., 395-96, 396n, 490

Longshoremen's Association, International,* 99, 99n

Longshoremen's Union, American, 249n

Looking Backward (Bellamy), 305, 307n

Loom Fixers' Association (New Bedford, Mass.), 428, 429n

Los Angeles County Council of Labor, 480n

Loughran, Mr. See Laughran, P. Frank

Lovering, William C., 500n

Low, Seth, 304n

Lowell (Mass.) Central Labor Union, 435n

Lowell (Mass.) Trades and Labor Council, 435n

Lynch, Edward J.,* 229n; letter from, 227-29

Lynch, John J., 157, 159n

Lynn (Mass.) Central Labor Union, 187-88, 189n, 307n


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