SG desk    
The SG signature Papers

Volume 4 Index M-Z

This index also includes references to substantive annotations in previous volumes that are not repeated here; for instance, the reference to the New York Board of Arbitration annotation in volume two, appears in this index as 2:10n


M (Asterisks indicate glossary entries)

MacArthur, Walter,* 453n, 463n, 486; letter to, 462-63

McAtteer, L. H.: letter to, 167-68

McBride, John,* 53n, 106n, 273, 275n; at AFL 1895 convention, 80, 92, 96; AFL presidency of, 3-7, 7n, 53, 55, 66, 124-25; AFL presidential candidacy (1895), 78-79, 82, 93-96, 98-99; charges against, 4-5, 7-8n, 80-81; illness, 4; letters from, 55, 66

McBryde, Patrick,* 82, 82n

McCallum, Alfred, 94-95n, 236, 237n

McCleary, James T., 172, 172n

McCraith, August,* 5, 66n, 78, 95, 97n, 295, 392, 392n, 394; and AFL organizers, political activities of, 239-41, 269; charges against, 278n; charges against SG, 275-78; SG views of, xxin, 279n; letter to, 192

McDermott (delegate), 109

Macdonald, J., 85, 91n

McDonnell, Joseph P.,* 295-96n; letter to, 294-95

McGahren, John, 444, 446n

McGrath, John J., 3:434n, 157, 158n

McGregor, Hugh,* 387-88, 388n

McGuire, Peter J.,* 50n, 82n, 115, 119, 240-41, 266-67, 272n, 279, 288, 321-23, 327-28, 338, 383n, 385, 388-89n, 415, 500; and AFL headquarters, location of, 282; and AFL organizers, political activities of, 270-72; and black workers, 407, 408-9n, 430; and charges against McBride, John, 5, 81; as delegate to TUC (1895), 50, 50n, 55, 58-60, 66, 85-91, 508; elected AFL vice-president, 95 (1895), 278n (1896), 414 (1897); and SG 1895 presidential candidacy, 79, 99; and immigration restriction, 283-84; interview with, 61-64, 66-68; and textile workers' strike (1898), 430-31, 477; letters to, 147-48, 369-71, 376-79, 383, 386-88, 431-32, 503-4

McGuire, Thomas B.,* 249n, 332-33, 333n

Machinists, International Association of,* 98-99, 99n, 144-45n, 270, 319-20, 500, 501n; and black workers, 4, 7n, 130, 213; local 186 (Baltimore), 319-20, 320n; local 264 (Boston), 145n; local 334 (Lynn, Mass.), 187, 189n

Machinists' Union of America, International,* 144n; local 28 (Boston), 145n

McHugh, Edward,* 247-48, 249n

McHugh, James F.,* 285, 286n

McKim, James, 3:156n, 57

McKinley, William, 3:19n, 45, 221n, 405n, 464, 466n, 489n, 506n; AFL Executive Council, meeting with, 321-22; and 1896 election, 185n, 221n, 235, 247; SG interviews with, 343, 503-4; letter to, 419-20

McKinney, A. W. See McKinney, Joseph W.

McKinney, Joseph W.,* 83, 83-84n, 359n, 454

McKinstry, Delia (Mrs. William McKinstry), 108, 108n

McKinstry, William H., 108n; letters to, 106-8, 114-15

McNeill, Adeline J. Trefethen (Mrs. George McNeill), 50, 50n

McNeill, George E.,* 9, 9n, 50n, 249n, 271, 272n, 273-74, 278, 405, 406n, 432n; letters to, 49-50, 203-4

McPherson, Robert, 330n

McSweeney, Edward F., 3:*, 56

Madden, Stephen,* 345-46, 347n

Maguire Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Maguire Act

Mahon, W. D.,* 92, 93-94n, 182, 191n, 275-76, 278, 278n, 280, 407, 409n; and miners' strike (1897), 346, 348, 350, 357, 359n, 366; letter from, 118-19; letter to, 115

Mail: transportation of, in street cars, AFL and, 91-92

Maine (U.S. battleship), 464, 466n, 469-70

Mallinson, John, 248, 249n

Malloy, John, 123

Manchester Trades Council, 88, 91n

Manhattan Single Tax Club, 15n

Mann, Thomas,* 249, 249n

Mansion, Joseph R., 2:13n, 222-23, 223n

Mantle, Lee, 490, 492, 496-98, 499n

Marine Band, U.S.: SG and, 180-81

Martí, Jose, 132n

Martin, James, 376-77n, 380, 381n, 383, 387, 439-40, 442, 445, 464

Martin, J. Henry, 40, 42n

Martin, Thomas R., 444, 446n

Marx, Karl, 1:43n, 104, 154, 338-39

Mason, John W., 360n, 363n, 365

Mass meetings: 1895 (AFL, New York City), 102, 105-6n; 1895 (CMIU, New York City), 76, 77n; 1895 (Socialist Trade and Labor Assembly, New York City), 97-98n, 102-5; 1896 (New York City), 248, 249n; 1897 (Buffalo, N.Y.), 333, 333n; 1897 (Freeland, Pa.), 388n; 1897 (Sept., Hazleton, Pa.), 383n; 1897 (Oct., Hazleton, Pa.), 387, 388n; 1897 (Lynn, Mass.), 306-7, 307n; 1897 (New York City), 301-4, 304n; 1897 (Philadelphia), 379n; 1897 (Syracuse, N.Y.), 333; 1898 (Lowell, Mass.), 432-35, 435n; 1898 (New Bedford, Mass.), 436-39

Mawdsley, James,* 90, 91n, 100, 101n, 103, 106n

Mayer, Henry. See Meyer, Henry

Mayo, P. H., and Bro., 394, 395n

Mechanization: impact on labor, 392

Merlino, Saverio, 244n; letter to, 242-44

Merritt, Charles L., 2:22n, 196

Mesker Brothers: and Tin, Sheet Iron, and Cornice Workers' International Association 36, 147, 148n

Metal Polishers', Buffers', Platers', and Brass Workers' Union of North America,* 227-28, 229n; local 1 (Detroit), 227-28, 229n

Metal Trades, Federated, 126, 127n, 347n

Metal trades councils, 182

Metz, Herman: letter to, 127-28

Meyer, Henry, 400, 400n, 401-3

Miller, Owen,* 410, 411n

Mills, Henry S.,* 335, 335n, 429-30, 431, 432n; letters to, 425-27, 447-49

Militarism: SG views on, 108, 145-47, 301-2

Milwaukee Building Trades Council, 182, 183n

Milwaukee Federated Trades Council, 2:68n, 3:460n, 6, 119, 119n, 183n

Milwaukee Street Railway Co., 166-67n

Miners, Western Federation of,* 192, 192n, 253-54, 257n, 259, 452-53n, 486; affiliation with AFL, 192, 253; and AFL, 192, 253, 255-56, 258n, 266-67, 268n, 297-99, 304-5, 308-13, 323, 324n, 385; disaffiliation from AFL, 253, 258n, 308, 323; conventions: 1896 (Denver), 192, 192n; 1897 (Salt Lake City), 258n, 299n; 1898 (Salt Lake City), 486

Miners and Mine Laborers, National Federation of, 2:*, 473n

Miners and mine operators, conferences of, 473n; 1898 (Chicago), 472, 473n

Miners' strike (1897), 344-45, 345n, 389; assistance (food), 363-64; Chicago conference (see Labor conferences: 1897 [Chicago]); Columbus conference, 375-76, 376n, 378; financial support for, 347-49, 350n, 351, 354-55, 357, 369-70, 371n, 372-73, 384; injunctions against, 353, 358-59, 360n, 362-63, 363n, 364-65; organizers and, 347-48, 350-53, 353n, 357, 359, 365-66, 366n, 375, 384; Pittsburgh conference, 345, 345n, 346-47; SG and, 344-53, 353n, 354, 354n, 355-57, 359n, 362-63, 363n, 364-66, 366n, 372-73, 375, 389; St. Louis conference (see Labor conferences: 1897 [St. Louis]); settlement of, 345, 375-76, 376n, 378, 384; sympathetic strikes and, 357; Wheeling conference, 353-59, 359n, 363n, 364-65, 366n

Mines: inspection of, SG and, 506-7

Mine workers: SG and, 440-41

Mine Workers of Alabama, United, 28n

Mine Workers of America, United,* 82n, 98-99, 473n. See also Miners' strike (1897)

Mine Workers' Progressive Union, Northern Mineral,* 165n

Minimum wage: SG views on, 446-47n, 472, 489-90

Mitchell, Henrietta, 3:79n, 43, 161

Mitchell, Rose Gompers (Mrs. Samuel Mitchell),* 43, 43n, 56, 57n, 432; letter to, 161

Mitchell, Samuel,* 43n; letters to, 42-43, 161, 205-6

Mobile Central Trades Council, 28n

Monroe, James, 44, 45n

Montgomery, William H., 3:41n, 246n, 258n, 267; letter to, 245-46

Moore, Edward S., 410, 411n, 413

"More," 48, 60, 162, 174, 493

Morgan, Thomas J.,* 44, 45n

Morris, Max,* 502, 502n

Morrison, Frank,* 272n, 321-23, 338, 356, 359n, 465, 503-4; at AFL 1896 convention, 268-70, 273, 278; elected AFL secretary, 278, 278n (1896), 414n (1897); letter from, 383; letters to, 289-90, 379-81, 453-56

Morrissey, P. H.,* 357, 359n, 360n

Morrow, Dennis J., 433, 435n

Morton, Levi P., 14, 16n

Most, Johann, 2:*, 368n

Mudge, William,* 221, 222n

Mulholland, John F.,* 359n, 458, 460, 461n

Murphy, Patrick, 3

Murphy, Thomas J., 411, 412n, 432n

Musical Mutual Protective Union (New York City), 2:37n, 397-98, 399n

Musical Protective Union, Manhattan, 56, 57n, 397-98, 399n

Musical Society, Chicago, 381, 382n

Musicians, American Federation of,* 289-90, 291n, 295, 381, 398; local 10 (Chicago), 381, 382n; local 41 (Washington, D.C.), 396n

Musicians, Chicago Federation of, 382n

Musicians' Mutual Protective Union (Butte, Mont.), 289-90, 291n

Musicians of the U.S., National League of,* 122, 123n, 144, 181, 289-90, 398; convention: 1896 (Washington, D.C.), 122, 123n, 144; local 1 (New York City), 399n; local 39 (Butte, Mont.), 289-90, 291n

Musicians' Protective Association, Columbia (Washington, D.C.), 396n

Musicians' Union, American (Chicago), 381, 382n

Musicians' unions: and Theatrical Stage Employes of the U.S., National Alliance of, 121-22, 122-23n

Myers, Charles H., 412, 414n


Nashville Trades and Labor Council, 180, 182n

National Cash Register Co., 456-60, 460-61n

National conference on U.S. foreign policy (1898, Saratoga, N.Y.), 505-6, 506n

National Educational and Economic League, 49, 50n

"Nationalist" clubs, 307n

National Labor Union, 3:204n, 184

Neuroth, William B.,* 77, 77n, 107

Newark, N.J., Central Labor Federation, 97n, 105, 106n

Newlands, Francis G., 488n

Newman, M. H., 254-55, 257n

Newport News Ship Building and Dry Dock Co., 499n

"New Trade Unionism," 3:78n, 10, 16-18, 89, 98n, 102

New York: strikes in (1892), 69

New York Board of Arbitration, 2:10n, 153

New York Board of Mediation and Arbitration, 2:10n, 230, 230-31n

New York City Central Labor Federation, 1:379n, 11, 15n, 16-18, 97n, 105, 135, 152, 368, 368n; report to, 65-70, 70n

New York City Central Labor Union, 1:379n, 15n, 18, 56, 152, 230, 248, 348, 399n

New Yorker Volkszeitung: and Garment Workers of America, United, 135-36, 137n; and SG, 65, 65n, 75-77, 77n, 134, 137n, 154, 155n; and Tailors, United Brotherhood of, 137n; editor of the: letter to, 65, 75-76

New York state constitutional convention, 3:274n, 152-53

New York State Workingmen's Assembly, 1:361n; convention: 1895 (Albany), 10-15 (news account of), 15n

Nineteenth Century Club, 446, 446n

"Noble Movement and a Valiant Leader, A" (Walsh), 296n

Nolan, Mr., 296

Noonan, Martin J., 431n


Oates, William C., 232, 233n

Oberlin Summer School of Christian Sociology, 44, 45n

O'Connell, James,* 80n, 97n, 99n, 106n, 157, 177, 222n, 266-67, 272n, 321-23, 370-71, 408n; and AFL organizers, political activities of, 240-41, 270; and black workers, 4, 407; elected AFL vice-president, 95, 98-99 (1895), 278n (1896), 414 (1897); and SG 1895 presidential candidacy, 79; mediation of industrial disputes, 178n, 319-20, 501n; letters to, 221, 500-501

O'Donnell, Edward, 190, 191n, 270, 272n; letter to, 391-92

O'Donnell, Thomas,* 477, 478n

O'Fallon, Daniel W., 140n; letter to, 138-40

Ogden, Harry M., 2:71n, 123

Ogg, Robert Y., 2:213n, 179, 180n

Ollinger, William, 337n

Olney, Richard, 3:405n, 304n

Olsen, P. H., 294n

O'Neill (delegate). See McNeill, George E.

Orchi, John A., 39, 42n

Orchid, J. A. See Orchi, John A.

O'Shell, Thomas J., 374, 375n

O'Sullivan, John F.,* 91-92, 93n, 118n, 169, 271, 272n, 283, 432n; letter from, 189-91; letters to, 144, 340-41

O'Sullivan, Kenney, 191, 191n

O'Sullivan, Mary Kenney,* 144, 144n, 191

Overproduction: SG and, 25, 37


Paine, Thomas, 235, 235-36n

Painters and Decorators of America, Brotherhood of,* 83, 84n, 144, 453-56, 456n, 504; conventions: 1894 (Buffalo, N.Y.), 454, 456n; 1897 (eastern and western factions, Cleveland), 454, 456n; 1898 (eastern faction, Buffalo, N.Y), 453, 455-56, 456n

Palmer, Henry W., 440, 446n

Paris Labor Exchange. See Bourse du travail

Parnell, Charles S., 91n

Patriots of America, 369, 371n

Pattern Makers' National League of North America,* 127n, 347n

Patterson, John H., 461n; letter from, 457-59

Pauncefote, Julian, 304n

Paxson, Edward M., 419-20, 420n

Payne, Sereno E., 323n

Payson, Louis E., 490, 499n

"Peace reigns in Warsaw," 490, 499n

Pearce, William C.,* 350n, 353n, 359n, 365; letter to, 352-53

Peeke, Erastus, 218n; letter from, 218

Peltier, Eugene, 261-63

Penna, Philip H.,* 82, 82n, 93, 272, 272n, 277

Pennsylvania, United Labor League of Western, 145n, 374n; meeting of, 371-74

People (New York): and SG, 10-18, 18n, 66-70, 77n, 135

People's party, 11, 15n, 178, 179n, 390

Perkins, George C., 492-93, 498, 500n

Perkins, George W.,* 51, 52n, 54, 72, 119, 127n, 157, 176, 217n, 225-26; and CMIU 1896 convention, 236, 238, 249; and miners' strike (1897), 357, 359n; letters to, 77-79, 116-17, 216-17

Perry, H. Francis, 202n; letter to, 200-202

Perry, Isaac G., 16n

Perry, Theodore, 182n, 359n; letter to, 180-81

Philadelphia, United Labor League of, 2:179n, 144

Phillips, John,* 141n, 271, 272n; letter from, 140-41

Phillips, Thomas W., 143, 143n, 172, 321

Phillips, Wendell, 2:382n, 406, 434-35

Piece work system: SG and, 165-66

Pierce, J. D., 432n

Pinard, N. O. See Pinard, William O.

Pinard, William O., 42, 42n

Pinkerton, Robert A., 387, 388n

Pinner (delegate). See Penna, Philip H.

Plasterers' International Association of the U.S. and Canada, Operative: local 96 (Washington, D.C.), 285, 286n

Plasterers' Society of the City and County of New York, Operative, 110n

Platt, Orville H., 507-8, 509n

Platt, Thomas C., 196, 197n, 205

Plumb, William F., 99, 99n

Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Steam Fitters, and Steam Fitters' Helpers of the U.S. and Canada, United Association of Journeymen,* 347n

Political action, partisan: AFL and, 102, 184-85, 415-16

Political parties: SG and, 32-33, 131, 235

Pollock v. Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., 38n

Pomeroy, William C.,* 80, 82, 82n, 85, 92-93, 95-97, 241, 268-72, 272n

Porter, James E.,* 343n; letter to, 343

Potter, Henry C., 304n

Potter, James K., 286n

Powderly, Terence V.,* 21n, 321-22

Powers, Richard,* 51, 51n

Pratt, Mervyn, 12, 15, 15-16n, 57

Prescott, William B.,* 95, 97n, 272, 272n, 370

Press: inaccurate reporting by, SG and, 17, 23-24, 63, 63n, 65, 68, 75-77, 134, 149-55, 161-62, 162n, 178, 179n, 181, 217, 217n

Pressmen's Union of North America, International Printing,* 97n

Priesterberback, August. See Priestersbach, August

Priestersbach, August, 413, 414n

Printing trades councils, 182

Profit: SG and, 162

Progress Society, 18

Prohibition party, 15n

Public works: AFL and, 326

Pullman strike, 3:521-25, 526n, 35, 105, 389

Pusey and Jones Co., 499n


Rae, John B., 3:*, 359n

Railroad Telegraphers of North America, Order of,* 273, 275n

Railroad Trainmen, Brotherhood of,* 127, 127n, 273

Railway, Big Four, 168, 168n; superindendent of: letter to, 168

Railway Conductors of America, Order of,* 273, 275n

Railway Trackmen of America, Brotherhood of,* 127, 127n

Railway Union, American,* 82n; convention, 1897 (Chicago), 324n, 341, 342n

Railway unions: federation of, 126

Ralston, Jackson H., 292-93, 294n

Ramsdell, Walter L., 307, 308n

Ransburg, Karl, 219n

Raphael, Michael, 3:472n, 12, 15, 108n

Ratchford, Michael D.,* 345n, 370, 407, 409n, 412-13, 503; and miners' strike (1897), 345-46, 350n, 356-57, 359n, 363n, 364-65, 378 (see also letters from and to Ratchford); letter from, 344; letters to, 344-45, 348-52

Ratigan, James H., 190, 191n

Rausch, William E.,* 457-58, 460n; letter to, 456-60

Reaves, Eugene, 400n; letter to, 399-400

Reed, David G., 167, 168n

Reed, Mr. See Reid, James P.

Reed, Thomas, 3:19n; AFL Executive Council, meeting with, 327-29; letter to, 487-88

Reeves, Eugene. See Reaves, Eugene

Reichers, Charles F.,* 147, 149n, 199; letter to, 198-99

Reid, D. G. See Reed, David G.

Reid, James P.,* 251n, 335, 335n

Reinhart, Julius, 291n; letter from, 289-90

Rhodes, Clarence W., 196, 197n

Rice, Henry, 203n; letters to, 202-3, 226-27

Rice, Joseph M., 387, 388n

Richardson, Charles L., 468, 468n

Riley, W. H., 359n

Rist, Frank L., 3:*, 123, 124n, 242n

Roach, James, 20, 21n

Roberts, George, 368n

Roberts, William C., 380, 381n

Robertson, Robert, 294n

Robertson v. Baldwin, 293, 294n

Robinson, Herman, 230n

Rochester Brewing Co., 332

Rochester Herald, 333n

Rochester (N.Y.) Trades Assembly, 3:23n, 187

Rogers, G. W.: letter to, 114

Rogers, Louis W.,* 114n

Rome: fall of, SG and, 26, 35

Roosevelt, Theodore, 1:443n, 490; letter from, 395-96

Rosenthal, Mr., 198

Ross, Samuel,* 426, 427n, 430-31, 432n, 434, 439n, 477; letter to, 427-29

Rowe, Louis M., 133, 137n, 138

Rowland, D. P., 99, 99n, 123

Rucker, Edgar P., 362-63, 363n

Ruehrwein, William, 459, 461n

Ruhe, C. H. William,* 398, 399n

Russia: SG and, 40-41

Ryan, John J., 51, 52n, 157


Saks, Andrew, 296, 297n

Saks, Isadore, 296, 297n

Saks and Co., 297n

San Francisco Central Trades and Labor Alliance, 172n

San Francisco Labor Council, 171, 172n

San Francisco Trades and Labor Council, 172n

Sanial, Lucien D.,* 70n, 103, 106n, 135, 368, 368n

Sanitary inspection: AFL and, 100

Saqui, Alexander, 1:92; letter to, 138

Saratoga conference. See National conference on U.S. foreign policy (1898, Saratoga, N.Y.)

Sargent, Frank P.,* 125, 127n, 359n; letter to, 292-94

Scarlett, James A., 444, 446n

Schaefer, Frederick, 237, 238n, 239

Schell, Thomas O. See O'Shell, Thomas J.

Schilling, George A.,* 191, 191n

Schlüter, Hermann,* 137n, 154, 155n

Schrader, Levi P., 337n; letter to, 336-37

Schwab, Peter, 399-400, 400n, 401, 404

"Schwanz politics," 68, 70n

Scranton, Pa.: trade unionism in, 260-63

Scranton (Pa.) Central Labor Union, 263n

Scribner's Sons, Charles: letter to, 396-97

Seamen: protection of, SG and, 113

Seamen's Union of America, International,* 99, 99n, 294n

Sébastiani, Horace François Bastien, 499n

Sebring, William H., 40, 41, 42n

Seifert, Albert E., 2:101n, 18

Shannon, Richard C., 343n

Sheehan, John F., 118n; letter to, 117-18

Shelby Steel Tube Co., 483-85, 485n

Sherman Antitrust Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Sherman Antitrust Act

Sherman Silver Purchase Act. See Legislation, U.S.: Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Shevitch, Sergius E.,* 152, 155n

Ship, Dock, and River Workers, International Federation of, 249n

Shop Assistants' Union, United, 207, 209n, 216

Siddons, Frederick L., 292-93, 294n

Sieverman, Frank A., 3:22n, 186-87, 188-89n

Silver, William S., 282, 282n

Silver question: AFL and, 85, 92-93, 188n, 195-96, 205, 205n, 247, 255, 276-81, 281n; SG and, 40-42, 71-72, 191, 195-96, 205, 205n, 209-10, 217, 217n, 233, 235, 247, 276-77

Simmons, William H. G., 285, 286n

Sinn, Jacob, 72, 75n

Sino-Japanese War, 38n, 52, 53n

Sisson, Thomas U., 41, 42n

SLP. See Socialist Labor party

Smiley, Mr., 485

Smith, James, 433

Smith, Mr. (Indianapolis tailor), 208-9

Smith, William J.,* 472, 473n

Social Democracy of America, 377-78, 379n; convention: 1897 (Chicago), 341, 342n, 360; SG and, 341, 360-62, 377-78; and SLP, 392, 393n

Social Democratic Party of Germany. See Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands

Socialist Labor party, 18, 68, 171, 172n, 368, 368n, 463-64; and AFL, 97, 98n; and joint conference (1894, New York City), 11-12, 15n; and KOL, 98n; and Social Democracy of America, 392, 393n; and Socialist Trade and Labor Assembly, 97-98n, 135; conventions: 1894 (New York state; Syracuse, N.Y.), 11-12, 15n; 1896 (New York City), 156, 157n, 186, 188n

Socialist Labor Party of Germany. See Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands

Socialists: at AFL 1895 convention, 80-82, 92-99, 102; and Boot and Shoe Workers' Union, 340-41; and Carpenters and Joiners of America, United Brotherhood of, 341; and CMIU, 341 (see also CMIU convention, 1896); Iron Molders' Union of North America, 341; SG and, 11, 13-15, 44, 63, 66, 68, 71, 74-76, 77n, 96-97, 158, 185-87, 189n, 237, 305-7, 436-39, 439n, 463-64, 473-76; and Street Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of, 118-19; and Textile Workers of America, National Union of, 341

Socialist Trade and Labor Alliance, 97-98n, 135, 439n; convention: 1896 (New York City), 156, 157n, 171; district alliances (DA): DA 3, 106n; DA 4, 106n; DA 7, 106n; founding of, 96, 97-98n, 102-5; and KOL, 104-5, 106n; local alliance 141, 474, 476n; and SG and, 135, 156, 171-72, 189n, 335; Textile Workers of America, National Union of, 335, 335n

Socialist Workers' and Trades Union Congress, International, 1896 (London), 93, 94n, 96, 130, 474

Social Reform Club of New York, 55, 57n

Social reform clubs, 57n

Sorge, Friedrich A.,* 339, 339n

South: labor conditions in, SG and, 22-24, 26, 167; organizing in, xv, 101, 101n, 130, 167-68, 250-51, 251n

Southern Economist and Trade Unionist, 343

Sovereign, James R.,* 345n, 353n, 369-70; and miners' strike (1897), 352-53, 356-57, 359n, 363n, 365, 372

Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, 2:371n, 90, 91n, 134, 306

Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands, 1:43n, 70n

Spanish-American War, 465-66n, 482, 488; SG and, 464-65, 469-70, 482

Specht, Charles A., 236, 237n

Speer, Wilbur F., 57, 57n

Spencer, Herbert, 2:110n; works presented to SG, 9

Spinners' Association of America, National Cotton Mule,* 99, 99n, 428, 429n, 476-78; convention: 1898 (Boston), 478n

Spinners' Union, New Bedford (Mass.), 476-77, 478n

Spohn, Milford, 285, 286n

Squire, Watson, 147n

St. Louis Central Trades and Labor Union, 1:166n, 3:206n, 123n

Steer, William F., 12-15, 16n

Steinbach, Mrs., 136, 193

Steinbiss, Herman W.,* 416, 417n

Steinbiss, W. H. See Steinbiss, Herman W.

Stephens, Uriah S.,* 104, 106n

Stevenson, Adlai E., 3:489n; letter from, 146; letter to, 146

Stetson, John B., Co., 388, 389n

Stimson, Frederic J., 232

Stokes, William H., 220n; letter to, 220

Stonecutters' Association of North America, Journeymen,* 286n

Stove Mounters' International Union,* 227-28, 229n; local 1 (Detroit), 227-28, 229n

Strasser, Adolph,* 10, 15n, 18n, 113n, 136, 149-50, 193, 247-48; letter to, 54

Street Railway Employes of America, Amalgamated Association of,* 94n, 115-16n, 118-19; division 15 (Milwaukee), 166-67n

Strike, right to: SG and, 28, 38

Strikes: AFL financial support of, 167n (see also Miners' strike, 1897: AFL and; Textile workers' strike, 1898: AFL and); SG and, 28, 38, 47-48, 72-74, 162-64, 474-76

Strikes, sympathy: AFL and, 93

Strikes and lockouts:

--butchers: (1896-98, Kansas City, Mo.), 286, 287n; (1896, New York City), 229-30, 230n

--cigarmakers: (1894, Philadelphia), 72-73, 75n; (1895-96, Detroit), 176, 177n; (1896-97, St. Louis), 340, 340n; (1898, New York City), 474, 476n

--cotton mill workers: (1895, Galveston, Tex.), 38, 38n

--fishermen: (1896, Oregon), 364, 364n

--garment workers: (1894-95, New York City), 20

--glassworkers: (1895, Carmaux, France), 76, 77n

--hatters: (1893-94, Danbury, Conn.), 105, 106n

--iron and steel workers: (1883, Bethlehem, Pa.), 490-91, 499n; (1891, Philadelphia), 491, 499n; (1892, Homestead), 3:189n, 105

--iron molders: (1896, Chattanooga), 315, 317n, 318; (1897, Sheboygan, Wis.), 325, 325n

--machinists: (1896, Cleveland), 177, 178n

--metal polishers: (1896, Detroit), 227-28, 229n

--metal workers: (1898, Dayton, Ohio), 457-60, 460n

--miners: (1892, Tennessee), 3:215n, 40; (1894, Pratt City, Ala.), 28n; (1896-97, Leadville), see Leadville strike; (1896-97, Norway, Mich.), 165n; (1897), see Miners' strike, 1897

--printers: (1897, Rochester, N.Y.), 332, 333n

--railroad workers: (1894, Columbus, Hocking Valley, and Toledo Railroad), 4-5, 81; (1894, Pullman strike), see Pullman strike

--stove mounters: (1896, Detroit), 227-28, 229n

--streetcar employees: (1895, Brooklyn), 92, 94n, 105; (1895, Philadelphia), 115, 115-16n, 118; (1896, Milwaukee), 166, 166-67n, 182-83

--switchmen: (1892, Buffalo, N.Y.), 3:214-15n, 105

--tailors: (1896, New York City), 206, 206n, 207, 207n

--textile workers: (1897-98, Atlanta), 425-27, 427n, 428; (1898, New England), see Textile workers' strike, 1898

Strong, Philip,* 222-23, 223n

Strong, William L., 303, 304n

Stump, Herman, 244n

Sullivan, J. R. See Sullivan, James H.

Sullivan, James H.,* 83, 83-84n, 357, 359n, 455

Sullivan, James W.,* 247-48, 249n

Sunday: work on, SG and, 173-74

Svindseth, N. J., 292n; letter to, 291-92

Sweatshops: SG and, 19, 22, 27, 36, 40

Swift, John, 166n, 194, 195n; letter to, 166

Swinton, John, 3:*, 249n


Tailors, United Brotherhood of, 137n, 206-7n

Tailors' Protective and Benevolent Union, Journeymen (San Francisco), 171, 172n

Tailors' Union of America, Journeymen,* 82n, 99; local 157 (Indianapolis), 209n

Takano, Fusataro,* 53n, 203-4; letter to, 52-53

Tammany organization, 153

Tariff: AFL and, 281; SG and, 234-35

Taylor, Howard, 371n

Teller, Henry M., 205n

Temperance: AFL and, 414

Tennessee: statehood centennial, 181, 182n

Tennessee Coal, Iron, and Railroad Co., 28n

Textile unions: dissension among, 431, 447-49, 449n

Textile workers: organization of, in the South, 101, 101n, 130, 167-68, 250-51, 251n

Textile Workers of America, National Union of,* 250, 251n, 335, 335n, 341, 427n, 476; convention: 1897 (Philadelphia), 335, 335n, 341; local 2 (Lawrence, Mass.), 448, 449n; local 122 (Atlanta), 425-26, 427n, 428

Textile Workers of America, United, 431, 432n, 448

Textile workers' strike (1898), 426, 428, 429n, 431-39, 473; financial support for, 438, 476-78, 478n; organizers and, 429-30, 430n, 431; SG and, 428-39, 473, 476-78, 478n

Theatrical Stage Employes of the U.S., National Alliance of,* 121-22, 122-23n; convention: 1896 (Detroit), 122, 123n; local 6 (St. Louis), 123n

Theobald, Henry, Jr., 460, 461n

Thomas, John L., 2:325n, 446n; letter to, 446

Thomas, Llewelyn R.,* 346, 347n, 359n

Thomas, Philip J., 263n; letter from, 259-63

Thomason, John L. See Thomas, John L.

Thornburgh, William, 485n; letter to, 483-85

Thurber, Francis B., 3:375n, 351, 351n; letter to, 209-11

Tillett, Benjamin,* 249n; letter to, 246-49

Tillett, Jane Tompkins, 249n

Tillett, Jeanette, 249n

Tillett, Mabel M., 249n

Tin, Sheet Iron, and Cornice Workers' International Association, 3:*; local 36 (St. Louis), 147, 148n

Tin and Sheet-Iron Workers' Protective and Benevolent Association, United (New York City), 110n

Tobacco Manufacturers, Trade Mark Association of, 148, 149n

Tobacco Workers' Union of America, National,* 99, 99n, 395n

Tobin, John F.,* 93, 94n, 96, 99, 103, 280, 281n, 341, 411, 411n, 432n

Tonsing, John F., 451n; letter to, 449-51

Tousing, John F. See Tonsing, John F.

Tracey, Thomas F. See Tracy, Thomas F.

Tracy, Thomas F.,* 83, 83n, 190, 432n, 479; letter to, 169-70

Trades Union Congress of Great Britain,* meetings of: 1894 (Norwich), 85-87, 91n; 1895 (Cardiff), 50n, 53, 55, 59-60 (news account of), 66, 66n, 85-87, 368; 1895, SG as delegate to, 1895, 50, 50n, 53, 55, 58-60, 66, 85-91, 508; 1896 (Edinburgh), 193, 194n; 1898 (Bristol), 509n

Trade Unionist, 174, 175n

Trade unions: as class movement, SG and, 89, 264, 366-68; conservatives in, SG and, 129, 157-58; leadership of, SG and, 100, 164, 265-66; letter to executive officers of, 353-54; need for federation of, SG and, 212, 214-15, 308-9, 311-12; need for organization of, SG and, 28, 37, 100, 111, 483-84; non-partisan political action by, SG and, 264-65, 310-11; nonunionist support of, SG and, 49; party politics and, SG and, 9-13, 27, 32, 60, 238, 264-65; radicals in, SG and, 129; right to organize, SG and, 483; SG and, 47-49, 59-60, 128-29, 361-62, 378, 468, 470; unaffiliated, SG and, 117-21, 124-27, 140-41, 144, 177, 211-16, 503

Trans-Missouri Freight Association, 338n

Trans-Missouri Traffic Association. See Trans-Missouri Freight Association; U.S. v. Trans-Missouri Freight Association

Transportation: government ownership of, AFL and, 91

Treaty, arbitration, British-American (1897), 301, 303, 304n

Tribune of Labor and Trades Unionist, 316n

Trusts: SG and, 26, 35, 44

Turner, Frederick,* 140, 141n

Turner, John,* 207, 209n, 216-17

Turner, W. H., 375, 376n

Typographical Union, International,* 79, 80n, 95, 98-99; convention: 1896 (Colorado Springs, Colo.), 371n; local 15 (Rochester, N.Y.), 333n; local 101 (Washington, D.C.), 2:71n, 174; local 120 (Lynn, Mass.), 187, 189n; local 220 (Columbus, Ga.), 250; and mechanization, 392; retirement home (see Childs-Drexel Home for Union Printers)


Unemployment: SG and, 25, 34-36, 46, 243

Union label, 113, 208-9, 218, 218n, 414

Union Traction Co., 116n

Unskilled workers: AFL and, 117-18, 118n

Upham, William H., 167n

U.S. Census Office, 220n

U.S. Department of Labor, 2:127n, 267, 268n

U.S. government contract work, 336-37

U.S. Industrial Commission, 505n; SG and, 503-4, 505n

U.S. Marine Corps Band, 180-81, 395-96

U.S. Senate, Subcommittee of Education and Labor Committee: hearings, 489-99, 499n, 500-501

U.S. v. Ollinger, 336, 337n

U.S. v. Trans-Missouri Freight Association, 337, 338n


Valesh, Eva McDonald,* 81, 82n, 106n, 428; letter to, 159- 61, 193-94

Valesh, Frank, 3:128n, 81, 159-60, 194, 195n

Valesh, Frank, Jr., 161n

Vandervoort, John R., 174-75, 175-76n, 199, 206

Van Holland, Henry: letter from, 229-30

Van Winkle, J. Q., 168, 168n

Venezuelan boundary dispute, 110n; SG and, 108-9

Victor (Colo.) Trades Assembly, 173-74

Villalón, Jose R., 132, 133n

Villa Lou, Jose R. See Villalón, José R.

Vogt, Hugo, 3:*, 135, 137n


Wages: SG views on, 21-22, 26-27, 31-32, 37, 71-72, 113, 433-34

Waiters' League, Chicago, 381, 382n

Wakeman, Thaddeus B., 2:325n, 249n

Walker, Joseph H., 419n

Walsh, Thomas C., 3:367n, 296n

Walter, Martin W., 123, 124n

Walters, Martin. See Walter, Martin W.

War: SG views on, 108-9, 147, 301-3, 465, 469-70

Ward, William E., Jr.,* 83, 84n

Warner, George H., 268-69, 272n, 274, 278n, 411, 412n

Warner, John D., 304n

Warner, William M., 346, 347n

Washington, Booker T., 406-7, 408-9n

Washington, D.C., Building Trades Council, 175n

Washington, D.C., Central Labor Union, 170, 171n, 175n, 197

Washington, D.C., Federation of Labor, 2:71n, 170

Washington, D.C.: trade unionism in, 284-85

Watchorn, Robert,* 57, 58n

Watson, David K., 268n

Weber, Frank J.,* 183n, 348, 350, 352, 366, 386-87; letters to, 182-83, 375

Weeks, Louis W., 432n, 433, 435n

Wehyle (delegate), 12, 15

Weismann, Henry,* 18, 18-19n, 106n, 272n; at AFL 1895 convention, 82, 92-93; at AFL 1896 convention, 269-71, 274, 279-82

Werner, Louis, 377, 379n

West: organizing in, xv-xvi, xxin, 452, 453n, 462-63, 479-80

Western Labor Union, 253, 452-53n; and AFL, 452, 462-63; convention: 1898 (Salt Lake City), 257, 452, 452n, 462, 486-87; and Western Federation of Miners, 452-53n, 486

Weyler y Nicolau, Valeriano, 470n

Wheeling and Lake Erie Railway, 359-60n

White, Henry,* 57, 57n, 206, 274, 275n; letters to, 296, 397-98

White, John, 274, 275n

Wild, Mark, 5, 7-8n, 81

Wilhelm II, 154, 155n

Wilke, Lady. See Dilke, Lady Emilia

Wilkins, Charles, 359n

Willard, Frances E. C., 3:599n, 32

Williams, James H., 57, 58n

Willis, H., 123

Willis, W. S., 258n

Wilson, D. Douglas,* 157, 159n; letter to, 178

Wilson-Gorman Tariff. See Legislation, U.S.: Wilson-Gorman Tariff

Wines, Abner G.,* 275-76, 278n

Winn, William H., 167, 168n, 251n; letter to, 334-35

Winston, Robert, 109, 110n

Wodika, Josef, 219n

Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 3:599n, 414, 416n

Woman suffrage: SG views on, 32

Women workers, 31-32, 60, 100, 314, 323, 324n

Wood, James,* 76, 77n, 348, 353

Wood, Leonard, 133n

Wood, Samuel. See Woods, Samuel

Woodbury, O. E., 270, 272n

Woods (organizer). See Wood, James

Woods, Samuel,* 53, 53n, 248

Woodstock Prison, 64, 65n

Woodward, Stanley D., 443-44, 446n

Wood-Workers' International Union of America, Amalgamated,* 270, 272n, 381, 382n

Wood Workers' National Union, Machine, 270, 272n

Work, right to: SG and, 26, 35

Workday: reduction of, SG and, 27, 31-32, 36-38, 111, 173- 74, 392-93, 433-34, 489-99, 499n, 500-501

Workers: Americanization of, SG views on, 128; comparison of European and American, SG and, 61-64, 67-68, 70-71, 87, 89, 99-100; relocation of, SG views on, 138-40

"Workers, The" (Wyckoff), 396-97, 397n

Wright, Carroll D.,* 45n, 132n, 295; letter to, 131-32

Wright, Charles H., 187, 189n

Wyatt, Calvin, 373, 375n

Wyckoff, Walter A., 396-97, 397n


Yahelka. See Jahelka, John

Yarnell, Samuel, 271, 272n, 274, 280-81, 407, 409n, 413, 416


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