1. John H. Walker (1872-1955), was born in Scotland, immigrated to the United States in 1882, and began working in the mines in Coal City, Ill. Before settling permanently in Illinois in the 1890s and organizing United Mine Workers of America 505 in Central City, Ill., in 1896, he returned to Scotland, where he also worked as a miner. Walker served the United Mine Workers as an organizer for West Virginia (1900), president of the Danville, Ill., subdistrict of District 12 (Illinois; 1901), and executive board member (1902-3), vice-president (1904), and president (1905-8, 1909-13, 1931-33) of District 12. He also served as president of the Illinois State Federation of Labor (1913-19, 1920-30). He helped organize the Illinois State Cooperative Society in 1915 and served as its first president (1915-21).
2. Walker sent Frank Morrison a report on Aug. 16, 1913, which was published in the AFL Weekly News Letter of Aug. 23.
3. Frank Morrison (1859-1949), was born in Frankton, Ontario. His family moved to Walkerton, Ontario, in 1865, where he became a printer. Beginning about 1883, he worked at his trade in Madison, Wis. In 1886 he moved to Chicago, where he joined International Typographical Union 16. From 1893 to 1894 he studied law at Lake Forest University, becoming a member of the Illinois bar in 1895. The following year he was elected secretary of the AFL, serving in that post from 1897 to 1935 and as AFL secretary-treasurer from 1936 until his retirement in 1939.