(Click on thumbnails for full-sized images)
"A night scene on the East Side " Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, Aug. 12, 1882 |
"The inevitable result to the American workingman of indiscriminate immigration,"
Puck (nd) Georgia State University |
"An American Autocrat. He Ties Up Railroads and Exposes the Public to Inconvenience and Danger Whenever He is Obliged to Do Something to Earn His Salary,"
Puck, Aug. 20, 1890, Georgia State University |
"Wanted, a leader! - The labor-agitation orchestra on the go-as-you-please plan ,"
Puck (nd) Georgia State University |
"The tenement - a menace to all,"
Puck, March 20,1901, Library of Congress
"He took the bull by the horns; but--"
Puck October 15, 1902, Library of Congress
"From the depths " 1906, Library of Congress |