1. John White, Frank Hayes, and William Green to SG, Apr. 23, 1914, AFL Microfilm Convention File, reel 26, frame 2616, AFL Records.
2. Martin David Foster (1861-1919) was a Democratic congressman from Illinois (1907-19).
3. With Foster serving as chairman, the Committee on Mines and Mining of the U.S. House of Representatives, was investigating of strikes in Colorado and Calumet, Mich.
4. On Apr. 22 and 24, 1914, SG, Frank Morrison, M. Grant Hamilton, and Arthur Holder met with a number of congressmen, including Speaker Champ Clark, Majority Leader Oscar Underwood, Victor Murdock, the leader of the Progressive party in the House of Representatives, Martin Foster, chairman of the House Committee on Mines and Mining, and David Lewis, chairman of the House Committee on Labor. On Apr. 25 SG met with Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, who promised to present the matter directly to President Woodrow Wilson. The AFL subsequently distributed a United Mine Workers of America circular, dated May 12, 1914, appealing for financial aid to the Colorado strikers (AFL Neostyle and Circular File, reel 57, frame 1047, AFL Records).
5. In their telegram of Apr. 23, 1914, White, Hayes, and Green warned that a nation-wide coal miners' strike was imminent unless action was taken on the Colorado situation. On May 7, however, the executive board of the United Mine Workers, meeting in Indianapolis, voted against calling a general strike.