August 25, 1908.
Mr. Samuel Prince,
277 Seventh St., New York, N.Y.
Dear Sir and Brother:
In connection with the general subject of Labor Day addresses there is a matter to which I want to especially call your attention and that is that I believe it would be a great mistake for you in making your Labor Day address to declare yourself to be a Democrat, or to say you are speaking as a Democrat, but it would be better that you speak as a union man and to union men. In other words, it would be better, more advantageous and more productive of the results we desire to achieve if you will follow out the policy as outlined by the Executive Council in its circular letter addressed to all organizations of labor and issued on August 1st, copy of which you will find enclosed herein. You should call attention to the declarations of both political parties and make it distinct that it is the duty of working men in the present situation to stand by their friends and to oppose their enemies. As to which party they shall give their votes, leave that for them to choose, but in placing the matter before them make the attitude of each party perfectly clear and obvious and yet without saying for which party they shall vote.
With kindest regards and best wishes, I am
Fraternally yours, Saml Gompers.
President, American Federation of Labor.
P.S. This letter was dictated before I saw you and written today. I referred to it in our correspondence Sunday in New York. I want to call your attention to the editorials in the August issue of the American Federationist, and also to the report of the Legislative Committee printed in that issue. You ought also to see the September American Federationist, which will be out in a few days. I commend these to your consideration, and they will help you very materially in your Labor Day address, as well as in other addresses which you may make. Let me suggest that you get a copy of Pearson's magazine for September and read Mr. Creelman's article.
S. G.
Source: The Samuel Gompers Papers, Vol. 7, pp. 371-72