1. William Levi Hutcheson served as president of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America from 1915 to 1952.
2. SG sent this telegram from the War Department on Aug. 9, 1917, after a conference there with Newton Baker.
3. Newton Diehl Baker (1871-1937) served as secretary of war from 1916 to 1921.
4. On June 19, 1917, SG and Baker signed an agreement creating the three-member Cantonment Adjustment Commission, which was authorized to resolve labor disputes at army cantonment construction sites on the basis of the "union scale of wages, hours and conditions" prevailing where the cantonment was located (Files of the Office of the President, General Correspondence, reel 85, frame 145, AFL Records ). For a memorandum outlining the procedures to be followed by the commission, see Files of the Office of the President, Reference Material, reel 128, frames 342-43, AFL Records.
5. On July 27, 1917, SG and Baker signed a memorandum authorizing the secretary of war to extend the cantonment construction agreement to other War Department construction sites. Baker subsequently extended it to aviation fields (Aug. 8), warehouses and other storage facilities (Sept. 4), and, finally, all other construction work (Dec. 28). On Aug. 10 Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels extended the agreement to navy construction work.
6. The Munitions of War Act of July 2, 1915 (5 & 6 Geo. V, chap. 54) authorized the Board of Trade to refer labor disputes in armaments or related industries to independent tribunals for binding arbitration, banned strikes or lockouts while disputes were under review, and required the minister of munitions to approve wage changes for workers in these industries. In addition, it suspended work rules or customs tending to restrict production and prohibited employers from hiring munitions workers who had left their jobs up to six weeks before unless they could produce a certificate proving they had done so with their employer's consent. The Munitions of War (Amendment) Act of Jan. 27, 1916 (5 & 6 Geo. V, chap. 99) expanded the industries included under the provisions of the legislation.
7. Some two thousand New York City area carpenters had stopped work on cantonment construction to protest the employment of members of the International Association of Bridge, Structural, and Ornamental Iron Workers on carpentry work at the Pelham Bay barracks. The Iron Workers had been suspended from the AFL the preceding month for claiming jurisdiction over work granted to the Carpenters, and the contractor employing the ironworkers, the Henry Steers Co., had a long history of conflict with the Brotherhood. After a two-day conference, a settlement was reached on Aug. 10, 1917, by which Steers agreed to employ only members of the Carpenters' union to do carpentry work and the Carpenters agreed to admit ironworkers to the Brotherhood without an initiation fee.
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