1. Josephine Casey of Chicago was an organizer for the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (1911?-14). She had previously worked as a ticket agent for the Chicago elevated railroad, was a member of Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America 308 of Chicago, which she helped organize around 1903, and was active in the National Women's Trade Union League. Casey later worked as an organizer for the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage and the National Woman's Party.
2. The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union organized and affiliated with the AFL in 1900.
3. A reference to the 1913 strikes in the New York City women's and children's garment industry. (See The Samuel Gompers Papers,vol. 8, p. 442, n. 2).
4. Mary P. Scully, a member of Ladies' Garment Workers' local 25 (Ladies' Waist and Dress Makers) of New York City, served as an organizer for the Ladies' Garment Workers and as an AFL salaried organizer (1914-21).
5. On Jan. 20, 1914, about five hundred women workers struck the General Electric incandescent bulb plant in Toledo because of successive wage reductions and poor working conditions. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers organized the women into a union, and the Toledo Central Labor Union (CLU) gave them financial assistance. The strikers demanded a restoration of wages, a nine-hour day and a fifty-hour week, better working conditions, a shop committee to handle grievances, and a company pledge not to discriminate against strikers or union members. General Electric refused to enter into negotiations with the strikers, however, and instead closed its Toledo plant. The Toledo CLU suspended its financial support in May; by that time most of the women had found other jobs.
6. Daniel M. Moley was a member of Electrical Workers' local 38 of Cleveland and an organizer for the international union.
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